25 March 2023 – Crosswords – Part 7

Philippians 2:7 But emptied Himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.

Humility is the platform for the crown of honour. Humility and honesty attract honour. Honour is respect and esteem that can never be bought with skills or achievements. Talent can make a person popular and pomp but only humility will bring indelible honour. The horizontal podium of humility is the pedestal for the vertical diadem of honour.

Distinction, promotion or honour given to a person puffed with pride and contempt will not only destroy the person but also damage the people around them. Pride is the poison that kills honour. “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18). Humility lifts us higher, but pride pushes us down.

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less” – C S Lewis.

The British writer and Anglican theologian C S Lewis has given us the best definition on humility. Humility is not looking down on yourself. Humility is not belittling or degrading ourselves. It is not to be engrossed in ‘me, myself, and my thoughts’. Rick Warren adds to this definition by saying, ‘It is to think less of yourself, and to think more about others.’ The amount of time we spend on deliberating, worrying and ruminating about our needs, our health, our family, our children, our finances and our future will measure the level of our humility.

Jesus the King of Kings took the form of a servant to serve us selflessly. Jesus is the perfect epitome of humility. Jesus never spoke about His miracles or ministry. He only preached the kingdom of God and advocated kingdom lifestyles. We don’t have to promote ourselves, our worth, our value or ministry. Humility is the billboard that attracts honour automatically.

Horizontal and Vertical words in crosswords:

1.     Justice: Humility helps us to stand for justice. The humble are quick to admit when they are wrong and don’t hesitate to apologize. Mercy and truth have met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed. (Psalm 85:10). Honour will come as a crown to the humble and the just.

2.     Judgment: If our comments are judgmental and critical most times, we are running low on humility. If the first thoughts or words about a person as soon as we finish a phone conversation are judgmental, we lack humility.  

3.     Jagged: The words of the proud are rough, sharp, and jagged. Crudeness follows comparison and conceit. Those who cannot rejoice in the elevation of others and cannot value others above themselves are self-seeking and arrogant. Self-importance indoctrinates pride and selflessness inculcates humility.

The horizontal podium of humility is the pedestal for the vertical diadem of honour.

James 4:6 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up.

Prayer: Father God, help me to lay the foundation of humility, holiness and honesty on which honour will automatically descend. Amen

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