27 March 2023 – Unanswered Questions – Part 2

Judges 20:23 The Israelites went up and wept before the LORD until evening, and they inquired of the LORD. They said, “Shall we go up again to fight against the Benjamites, our fellow Israelites?” The LORD answered, “Go up against them.”

God is not obligated to answer all our questions. Unexpected defeats confuse us. The tribe of Benjamin committed a ruthless crime against the Lord. The Lord mobilized an army with the remaining tribes to war against the tribe of Benjamin. Israel moved according to God’s direction and instruction yet they were defeated twice; the first time twenty-two thousand men were killed and the second time eighteen thousand Israelites were killed by the tribe of Benjamin. Both times Israel wailed before the Lord but the Lord did not give an explanation for the miserable defeats. He only commanded them to attack the third time.

The army of Israel was not routed because there was sin in the camp or because they went against God’s will. God owes us no explanations to the downfalls we face. However, when things get tough and when we face unforeseen dips and downfalls we must humble ourselves before the Lord. The third time around, the army of Israel fasted that day until evening and presented burnt offerings and fellowship offerings to the LORD (Judges 20:26b). The Lord gave them victory the third time around.

It is common for people to condemn themselves when they face defeats, demotion, or disdain. Not all trials are caused by our sin or iniquity. It is important to reevaluate our lives and revisit our decisions; however, if the Lord doesn’t convict us, we must not condemn ourselves. God doesn’t owe us explanation for the molding process that He puts us through.

Denials could be God’s redirection.

Unanswered Questions:

1.     Defeat: The Lord God need not explain everything that He is doing in our lives. It is only in the darkness do we see His glorious light. A bare leafless tree is not dead in winter. It is just not the right season to produce flowers and fruits. Learn through your defeats and grow through the disappointments.

2.     Depreciation: A defeat can tumble our self-esteem and devalue our self-confidence. Do not look at the mockers and demeanors around you. You are in the making. God has a table set and He will lift us up among the same people who had belittled us if we hold on. Our value depreciates only when we look down on ourselves. Take heart. God can make the adversity into an advance when we recommit and remain under the shadow of His wings.

3.     Disdain: Derision, discouragement and disdain kills vigor and enthusiasm. Many people exist but are not alive. Disappointments kill purpose and passion. A person dies when their passion is dead. We cannot stop people from gossiping about us but we can stop it from hurting and damaging us. The Lord God uses disdain like the smelly fertilizer to make us more fruitful.

Trust God through the unexpected defeats, devaluation and disdain and unfurl the hidden treasures.

Judges 20:28a The LORD responded, “Go, for tomorrow I will give them into your hands.” (vs 28b).

Prayer: Father God, teach me to stop questioning you and smile at adversity, mockery and calamity, as You are working in the unseen through the defeats and downfalls. Amen

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