30 March 2023 – Unanswered Questions – Part 5

Matthew 19:21-22 Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.

Some of our questions remain unanswered as we don’t want to accept the answer that Jesus gives us. A rich young ruler came to Jesus with a question. “Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?” (vs 16). Jesus gave him an answer but the young man was unable to accept the answer. The young man loved the Lord and followed His commandments meticulously however; his great possessions were an idol in his life. The treasures of the earth are worth nothing in heaven.

The Kohinoor diamond is the world’s most famous priceless diamond in the world. The exact price of the diamond is unknown but an estimate says that it is worth about €400 million! The diamond is on public display in the Jewel House at the Tower of London. However, the Kohinoor diamond will be considered as dust in heaven. Divine treasury will not take it as a security deposit to secure a plot for us in heaven. There are times when God will give us a solution to a problem that we have been praying for yet, there could be some possessions or obsessions in our life that could stop us from accepting the answer.

The answer to the ‘peace’ that we have been waiting for is ‘forgiveness’. The answer to ‘progress’ is letting go of the past. If we keep revisiting the past or poking or provoking our spouse/sibling about their mistakes even after forgiving them, we spoil the present and destroy our future. We might not be obsessed with worldly possessions like the rich young ruler but could be possessive of our children, career or comrades.

Questions could be unanswered as we don’t want to accept the answers.

Unanswered Questions:

1.     Sacrifice: It requires sacrifice to let go of what we are possessive or obsessive with. What we think about the most is very close to becoming an idol in our lives. If we spend most of our time thinking about the challenges in your job, your career is your idol. If friends take that place, then friends become our idol. The answer to joy, peace and eternal life would be to sacrifice the very thing that we are fixated on. 

2.     Stubborn: If we are stubborn and refuse to let-go, the Lord will make us let-go. It is better to surrender than to be forced to submit. If we don’t humble ourselves we will be humbled which would be harder. The Lord loves us too much to allow us to go on flaunting about our possessions, power and positions which would have zero value in heaven.

3.     Self-Worth: Our self-worth is not what we have; it is not in the influential position we hold or our bank balance. It is in Christ Jesus.   

At times the answer is too difficult to accept.

Matthew 6:20 “Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.”

Prayer: Jesus you are the answer to all my questions. Give me the humility to let go of all that I have to and rest on You. Amen

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