24 April 2023 – Environment – Part 2

1 Samuel 22:2 All those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their commander. About four hundred men were with him.

David took refuge in the Cave of Adullam to escape from King Saul and about four hundred men joined him. The men who came to him were in distress, in debt or discontent. Soon they were trained under David to become his combatant companions. They were probably distressed as they faced injustice from the irrational King Saul just like David. They were in debt and had no one to redeem them and were discontent with the economic, social and religious decay that the nation of Israel was forced under by their present government. The men who came to David were bitter, broken and boycotted. However, being under the influence of a great leader turned these distraught, discontent and discouraged men into “Mighty Warriors”. From this bunch of disheartened ostracized men, 37 warriors are listed in 2 Samuel 23 as “David’s Mighty Men”. These mighty men achieved astounding brave accomplishments.

These rejected men were angry, acidic and bitter as they were rejected and mistreated but the environment of an influential leader redirected their emotions and energy and transformed these dysfunctional men into Mighty warriors. They were in an environment of a great leader who stood as a stupendous example for godly bravery and humility. These men witnessed their leader showing respect and honour to the ruthless envious king. Even when David had the opportunity to harm King Saul, these men witnessed their leader showing respect, forgiveness and kindness to his enemy, King Saul. “Do not destroy him, for who can put out his hand against the LORD’s anointed and be guiltless?” (1 Samuel 26:9). The godly influential atmosphere of David’s leadership turned these convicts into combatants. 

The environment influences our actions and reactions:

1.     Distress: If we are in distress, pain or agony about a loss, injustice or rejection, connect with people who will help you to heal. Talking to those who will fuel the fire of anger or animosity will only push us further into depression. Don’t let the worldview fuel your fury. Toxic environment will further distress us but a God-rich environment will de-stress us. 

2.     Debt: Monetary debt can be repaid but carrying the debt of sin and guilt can loop us into wrong connections. God-rich environments do not hide our sins but exposes them and aids us to overcome the addictions, insecurities and impurities.   

3.     Discontent: Discontentment is not an outcome of not having enough; it is an effect of wrong attitude. The discontented 400 men came under the praise and worship anointing of the psalmist who sang songs of praise at all times. An environment of praise and worship turned the sulkers into soldiers.

God-rich environments change the attitude of the mourning complainers into combatant companions.

1 Chronicles 12:1 Now these are the men who came to David at Ziklag, while he could not move about freely because of Saul the son of Kish; and they were among the mighty men who helped him in war.

Prayer: Father in Heaven, guide me to God-rich friendships and fellowships that would turn any distress, discontentment or discouragement into divine destiny.  Amen.

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