07 May 2023 – Waiting – Part 1

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they.

We wait for people, friends, breakthroughs or results; we wait in the traffic, we wait at the doctor’s office and even wait for our kettle to boil in the morning to make our coffee. Waiting is much more difficult than to plunge into action. Waiting can wear us out. It can make our mind tired and our faith to faint, but waiting on the Lord renews our strength. Waiting on the Lord refreshes our soul and fortifies our faith.  

The difference between waiting for people and waiting for God is – waiting on people pitches our hope on limited resources but waiting on God helps us to tap into the unlimited potential of the Lord God. Waiting on the Lord with the right attitude enables us to delve deep into His unlimited resources and richness. Waiting for our breakthrough with impatience and bottled-up bitterness is called stressing. If we compare ourselves with unbelievers and brood that they have it better than us, will not even scratch the surface of God’s potency. For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him (2 Chronicles 16:9). The Lord’s eyes are scanning for people with problems but with perseverance and faith. Problems are the platforms for God to manifest His power.  So, if we are waiting for God to move miraculously in our family, finances or forte, we will not become weary. If we do, we are not waiting upon the Lord.      

What is waiting on the Lord and how to wait on the Lord?

1.     People: When we wait on the Lord our focus will shift from people to the ‘Promise Keeper’. We will get weary if we wait on people to give us the solution. God will use human hands, mouth and feet but the unlimited source is God our Father. Even the most anointed pastor and prophet is limited by time, space and resources. God will use the most unpredictable and unforeseen resource when we pivot our hope on Him. He used the selfish scavenger bird, the raven, to feed Elijah.      

2.     Promotions: When we wait on promotions, acceptance and endorsement by friends and family we will be disappointed. Our efforts to be noticed by our boss will be unnoticed and unrewarded but when we look up to the hills from where promotions, recognitions and rewards come, we will not be disillusioned.

3.     Petition: Waiting on petitions and prayers must be with the right attitude. “Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.” Most times waiting is not an option, but waiting would be an imposed compulsion and our attitude while we wait is the measure of our maturity. Peace and patience accelerates the answers.       

Waiting on the Lord is refreshing as He encourages us with His Word and strengthens our faith every day.

Psalm 27:14 Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.

Prayer: Dearest Holy Spirit, coach me to have the right attitude, resilience and patience while I’m waiting for you to move. Amen.

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