14 May 2023 – Power of Proclamation – Part 1

Joshua 6:16 The seventh time around, when the priests sounded the trumpet blast, Joshua commanded the people, “Shout! For the LORD has given you the city!

Proclamation is a public or official announcement of an important matter. It is a bold declaration of authority and hope. Proclamation is not ‘name it and claim it’ theology. It is not positive thinking and appropriation of mystical magical charm. Proclaiming God’s Word and declaring the promises of God is the affirmation of our faith and assertion of the faithfulness of our God. Bold proclamation of God’s promises is backed by the power of God. Courageous declaration of the Lord’s authority over our circumstances surrounds us with God’s favour and His army. Brave announcements of what the miracle working God is going to do for us will boost our spiritual energy to fight the spiritual battle without fainting. Proclamation of God’s promises when the situation is grim will increase our spiritual immunity, tenacity and resilience. 

Joshua and his soldiers marched around the fortified walls of Jericho for seven days. The Lord said to Joshua, “See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands” (Joshua 6:2b) but He commanded the troop to march around the walls in silence for 6 days but on the 7th day, when the priest sounded the trumpet blast, the people had to raise their shouts of victory. When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city (Joshua 6:20). Proclamation of praise shook the strong strongholds of Jericho.

It is very important to be vocal about our core beliefs. As we declare God’s promises, God’s Word that is packed with power and life will go forth and break the barriers and bolder in our path.  

Power is released when we proclaim:

1.     Announce: Proclaiming the promises of God is the bold announcement to the diabolical realm that we have won the battle. The devil and his demons hate proclamation of praise. Proclaiming the Word of God shoots missiles into hell and destroys the demonic ghetto. When fear grips you, proclaim the promises of God and announce your victory to hell.

2.     Affirm: Proclamation affirms our faith. Proclamation defeats fear, forebodings and frenzy. Proclamation gives an evacuation notice to doubt, dread and desperation. Our fluttering heart calms down as we declare the promises of God.       

3.     Accentuate: The door that leads to the steps of progress and elevation opens wide as we accentuate the power and might of our God. Spiritual battles are won by proclaiming the promises of God. The demons of dread and defeat work tirelessly to drain our faith but when we are gripped by terror, break the shackle of fear by accentuating the miracle working power of our God.

Tap into divine power by proclaiming the promises of God.

Psalm 119:164 Seven times a day I praise You, Because of Your righteous judgments.

Prayer: Dear Holy Spirit, teach me to charge my faith by proclaiming your Word that is packed with power and authority.  Amen.

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