31 May 2023 – Impossible – Part 4

Matthew 15:27 “Yes, Lord,” she said, “but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.”

“God is looking for those with whom He can do the impossible — what a pity that we plan only the things that we can do by ourselves.” – AW Tozer

Trust God for the impossible even when He is silent. When God is silent He is not ignoring us but looking for those with whom He can do the impossible. The human mind would expect God to do a miracle a certain way at or within a certain timeframe and when nothing happens the trust for the miracle dissolves like salt and vanishes into water. We can turn the impossible crucial circumstance into a mind boggling mighty miracle only if we trust God when He is invisible and silent.

A Syrophoenician woman came begging behind Jesus for the healing of her daughter. She sought for exorcism from Jesus as she knew that her gods will not be able to deliver her daughter. Canaanites/Syrophoenicians had many gods and their religiosity was a fusion of many gods. Ashtoreth, the goddess of fertility and sexuality, was the goddess of the Sidonians. Molek was the detestable god of the Ammonites and Chemosh, was the despicable god of Moab. Molek was the god of war and the worshippers sacrificed their children alive in a burning furnace to appease this god. Chemosh, meant ‘destroyer’ which was also worshipped with blood and human sacrifice. None of the bloodthirsty gods of the Syrophoenician woman could deliver the daughter from demon possession. She had heard the compassion of Jesus and was steadfast to receive the healing from Him.

Jesus pretended to ignore her. He was silent and indifferent just to accentuate the unfaltering faith of this pagan. She knew that even the crumbs of the power of Jesus can heal her daughter. She trusted Jesus with the impossible.  

God is looking for those with whom He can do the impossible:

1.     Courage: It takes courage to wait on the Lord to do the impossible. Stand firm on God’s Word even when you cannot hear His voice. ‘God is too good to be unkind and He is too wise to be mistaken. And when we cannot trace His hand, we must trust His heart.’ – Charles Spurgeon. Be courageous. If God has not done what you expected, He is about to do something much bigger.         

2.     Care: God cares about our concerns. Our infirmities and afflictions burden God’s heart more than it hurts us. He is looking for those who trust Him with the impossible to happen with their health, children, finances, mortgage, career and needs.

3.     Crumbs: All that we need is His crumbs. Healing power from Jesus flowed into the village where the daughter was tormented. The demon possessed daughter was not with her mother. Jesus did not touch her to heal her. All we need is the crumbs of His power to set us free from the impossible situation.   

God is looking for someone like you and me who are waiting for Him to do the impossible.

Matthew 15:28 Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.”

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, just the crumbs of your power and provision will make me healthy, wealthy and wise. Do the impossible through me. Amen.

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