15 June 2023 – Continually – Part 5

1 Kings 15:26 But he did what was evil in the LORD’s sight and followed the example of his father, continuing the sins that Jeroboam had led Israel to commit.

A generation which ignores history has no past — and no future. – Robert A. Heinlein

After the kingdom split into Israel and Judah, there was not a single king in Israel who could be esteemed or accentuated for walking faithfully with the Lord. The kingdom of Israel birthed kings in iniquities who worshipped and prostituted themselves with foreign gods. Ahab the 7th king of Israel went to the extent of marrying the daughter of the Syrophoenician priest-King Ethbaal who worshipped the nature god Baal. Sin continued and transgressed the nation of Israel. Transgressions, iniquities and foul practices of a generation turn into generational curse.

Jeroboam was the 1st king of the split kingdom of Israel. Jeroboam set up shrines with a golden calf in Israel to stop people from going to Jerusalem. Jeroboam introduced idolatry and the sin continued to grow through the generations until Ahab polluted the nation of Israel with detestable pagan practices! Ahab and his Syrophoenician-priestess wife Jezebel had a daughter named Athaliah. Athaliah was married to the King Jehoram, the King of Judah. The bloodthirsty idolatrous demon of her mother Jezebel and father Ahab followed Athaliah. Jezebel and Ahab killed the prophets of God, falsely accused Naboth, killed him and his sons and took his inheritance. Likewise, Athaliah, at the death of her son, killed the entire royal family to become the Queen. When Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she proceeded to destroy the whole royal family (2 Kings 11:1). If iniquities are not cleansed by the blood of Jesus, it will follow generations.   

Sinful nature continues until it is destroyed by the precious blood of Jesus:

1.     Exaggeration: Exaggeration, pretension and flamboyance is a generational sin. ‘Selfish ambition and exaggeration’ to esteem oneself are dangerous sins that could affect generations if it is not eradicated from the bloodline. 

2.     Envy: Ahab was envious of the vineyard of Naboth, which was fruitful and luscious. His envy led to shedding innocent blood. Envy is a lethal sin that will destroy the bloodline if not exterminated by the blood of Jesus. “Jealousy is the jaundice of the soul.” – John Dryden

3.     Ego: Ego or pride is a live-bomb that will trigger when ignited with jealousy, and will destroy legacy. Athaliah’s ego made her kill her own children to become the Queen. Her death was also like the death of her envious father and mother. So they seized her as she reached the place where the horses enter the palace grounds, and there she was put to death (2 Kings 11:16). 

The blood of Jesus is the antidote to sins, transgression and iniquities that have followed generations. Accepting Jesus not only cleanses us but also gives us a blood transfusion into the divine bloodline of Jesus.

2 Kings 22:52 He walked in the ways of his father, in the ways of his mother, and in the ways of Jeroboam son of Nebat, who had caused Israel to sin.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for your precious blood that not only delivers us from our past but gives us a new trajectory under the bloodline of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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