23 July 2023 – Lifecycle – Part 1

Proverbs 6:6 Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.

Different species of ants have different life spans. They live from a few days to several years. The longest living ant species can live up to 28 ½ years. Ants live in colonies and cannot survive in isolation. A study conducted by Keller Koto says that ants in groups of ten survived 66 days whereas ants in isolation lived only for 6 ½ days. Ant colonies are classified into three major groups – Male Ants, Queen Ants and Worker Ants. Each ant has a specific job. Male ants live only a few days after mating with the females. Queen ants are the egg-laying ants and live for multiple years. Worker ants are the non-productive female ants that are ‘support workers’ and ‘maintenance mangers’ of the colony. They live for a few weeks to several months. Every ant in the ant colony has a purpose. No ant is idle.       

According to the United Nations, the average lifespan of a human is about 72 years. It has increased from 52.5 in the early 1960s to 72 years in 2020. However it is not how long we live that matters. It is the purpose and the footprints that we leave behind that will make a difference to our living. If not we are only using the resources of the earth and killing time on earth before entering into eternity. What is your purpose?

“A purposeless life is a meaningless life.” — Sunday Adelaja

If we have no purpose then we are already dead. Purpose with passion is like ammunition on fire. Purpose gives us energy. Purpose gives us foresight. Purpose shapes our future. If we are like everyone else who earns, eats and exists and exits then, our life is pitiable. Life without purpose is pathetic! We can find our purpose at any stage in life. It gives new hope and new vision to the elderly as much as it does to the teenager. Earlier the better but it is better late than never. Purpose will turn our lifecycle into a legacy.                                                                                                  

Purpose turns the wheels of the cycle of life:

1.     Find: There is no bar of age, colour or creed to find your purpose. Colonel Sanders was 62 years old when he founded KFC. Moses was 80 when he was ordained as the pastor of the biggest church on earth! Find your purpose now, wherever you are.                       

2.     Fit: The right environment is necessary to leverage our purpose. Not everyone will accept and applaud your dream and purpose. There will be more discouragements than encouragement from people. However, when we discover our purpose and pursue it God will breathe on it and bless it.                             

3.     Flourish: Purpose will keep us alive, agile and aligned with God’s plan. Aimless living and careless lifestyles lead to waywardness. Finding our purpose will help us to flourish in life and leave a legacy of success.                  

Let the wheels of your life be turned by the purpose and passion in you.  

Philippines 1:21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, may I never live a normal lifecycle of a human and die an empty death. Help me to passionately pursue my purpose. Amen.

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