04 August 2023 – Voices – Part 6

John 1:23 John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, “I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord.’”

The lonely voice of John in the wilderness was heard in the town. The wilderness is a bare, dry and dangerous place. There will be travelers but no dwellers. However, John the Baptist dwelt in the wilderness eating locusts and honey. John’s clothes were made of camel’s hair, and he had a leather belt around his waist. He looked strange, wore peculiar clothing and ate weird food (locusts and wild honey) but there were hoards of people who flocked around him as He spoke the truth that they were longing to hear. His voice in the wilderness was heard all over the region. There must have been one passerby who heard the preaching of John. The traveler who was touched and transformed by his sermon would have gathered the crowds from the towns. The word would have then spread like wildfire and people were coming in masses to him to be baptized. John was preparing the hearts of the people to receive Jesus, the Messiah.

John the Baptist was only 6 months older than Jesus. He was the cousin of Jesus. It was not his experience, age, eloquence or etiquette that attracted people to him. It was his anointing.

We might be in an insignificant corner of the world, unknown, unnoticed and unfamiliar to the world but what we do in our unimportant corner will attract the people in need towards us. John prayed, fasted and prepared himself to preach the powerful news about the coming Saviour. Prayer and preparation will make our voice be heard. It is not the influence or affluence. Many times we think we must know the right people and be in prominent places. No, we just have to make the right choices of giving God the first place – pray, fast and prepare.                                                   

Voice in the wilderness will be heard afar:

1.     Pray: Pray about everything. There are no big or small issues in prayer. Our dedication to pray and listen to God, hear from Him and to obey Him, will make our voice shatter the membranes of the dark world and shoot through into heaven. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much (James 6:16b).

2.     Prepare: Vocalists have to prepare their vocal cords before they sing. Humming gently and allowing their voice to resonate up from their balloon belly into the closed mouth are good ways to prepare the larynx to sing melodiously. Likewise, a mode to gratitude and worship prepares the voice of prayer to be succinct yet succulent.                                  

3.     Prolific: The voice of prayer from an undivided heart and unfailing hope ascends up to heaven. Give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name (Psalm 86:11). Profound, prolific prayers are prayed from humble, undivided hearts.

Our voice of prayer in the wilderness from our insignificant prayer corner is heard in heaven.

Psalm 116:1 I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; He heard my cry for mercy.

Prayer: Father God, give me a steadfast hope and undivided heart that my voice will be resounded and my prayers will be heard in heaven. Amen.

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