05 August 2023 – Voices – Part 7

Revelation 3:20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

There are several voices knocking at our door – the voice of God, voices of friends, voices of demons, voices of temptations, voices of self-ambition, voices of shame, voices of self-condemnation and so on. It is very important to listen to the right voice. Medical science categorizes hearing voices as ‘auditory hallucination’. Hallucination is the perception or sensation of voices that can be heard by a person when they are awake and gives the feeling of being real. Antipsychotic medications are used for hallucination but there is no medical cure for it. If we understand the spiritual realm there is no need to medicate the spiritual hearing. Voices of condemnation, criticisms or conceit are from the pit of hell. They are not hallucinations but hellish. The antidote to shut the mouth of the demeaning demons is the Word of God. When we hear that we are a ‘good for nothing miserable sinner’, we must talk back to those voices and say that we are the righteousness of God, washed by the blood and sanctified by the Holy Spirit. When we constantly hear voices of accusations, anger, bitterness or allegations we must realize that it is a spirit of criticism and drive it out.

Judas was sitting under the best Rabbi on earth. He heard the truth from the mouth of Jesus yet; he yielded to the wrong voices that lured him to power and money. Then satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve (Luke 22:3). Satan cannot enter unless we open the door for him. He comes disguised as a quick money making App, a deceitful friend or a causal habit and speaks sugar coated words. If we hear the wrong voice and open the door, he will enter along with his team of demons and ravage our lives. Learn to identify the voices that are knocking at your door.       

Do you hear the voice of God?

1.     Deceitful: Be careful of deceitful voices. Any voice that speaks in contrary to God’s word is the deceitful voice of demons. Voices such as, ‘just try it once, no one will know about it’ or ‘you are only human, God understands you’re weak’ are voices from the flesh or demons tempting us to make wrong choices.

2.     Discernment: Ask the Lord to give you a ‘spirit of discernment’ to know right from wrong. Many times advice from well meaning friendships might not be God’s plan for our lives.                                    

3.     Direction: God’s voice will be divine directions and the voices of demons will be demonic distractions. Demons distract and then destroy our future. So beware of demonic distractions.

Tune your spiritual ears to hear the voice of God. It comes with discipline, obedience and patience by fine tuning our frequency to hear the voice of God. Obedience is the key to hearing God’s voice.

John 7:37 Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.”

Prayer: Father in Heaven, help me to hear your divine direction clearly and to distinguish it from the enticing demonic distractions. Amen.

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