12 August 2023 – Praise Powerbank – Part 7

Matthew 26:30 When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.

Praise the Lord in your darkest dungeons. Jesus had His last supper with His disciples and was walking towards His ghastly death on Golgotha but He led them to sing a hymn. The Bible doesn’t tell us what hymn they sang but traditions say that the Jews sang Psalms 113 to 118 after the Passover meal. Psalms 113-118 are known as “Egyptian Hallel” or “Praise Yahweh”. Praise and worship hymns prepared His heart to go through the valley of the shadow of death and come out victoriously.

‘Praise and worship’ becomes significant when we worship God in the darkest doom.  Praise is the voice of victory in the deepest, darkest ditch. Praise paves the way for us to climb over the pit of disappointment, depression and despondency. Jesus was fully aware of His purpose on Earth. He came to strip the devil naked of his armor, armory and authority.  And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross (Colossians 2:15).  The pathway to the pinnacle was through the pit of gruesome death on the cross. Yet at that very hour, He led the worship by singing the Praises to the Father.

Praise turns bouts and pouts into shouts of joy. Praise turns the qualm into a quest. Dread, despair and depression disappears when we put on the garment of praise. A garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair (Isaiah 61:3b). Praise is like powerade to the soul. Praise is the powerbank that turns our ordinary words into missiles of destruction in the enemy’s camp. As you start your day with praise and worship, the plans of hell are destroyed and the foundation of hell is shaken. Demons go into hiding and demonic assignments are mutilated.      

Praise turns into a missile of destruction in hell:

1.     Disarms: Praise disarms the devil’s plots against our lives. The weapons of the devil are unforgiveness, bitterness, irritability, animosity, annoyance, anger, grudges and evil desires. Praise fills us with God’s love, forgiveness, forbearance, patience, humility. The nature of Christ disarms the satanic hold that can cause destruction in our relationships, finance or health.      

2.     Dismember: Praise causes division in hell. There is confusion and violence in hell when we start praising and worshiping God in our prayer closet. May the praise of God be in their mouths and a double-edged sword in their hands, to inflict vengeance on the nations (Psalm 149:6-7a). Praise is a double-edge sword that dismembers demonic forces.

3.     Drive: Praise suffocates demons and drives out division. If arguments or anger is dividing the unity of your home, stop and start worshiping. Play worship music and start singing. After 15 minutes of praise and worship the disharmony will dissipate. The problem that was splitting the family problem will become insignificant. Praise drives out the demonic divisions.     

The powerbank of praise disarms, dismembers and drives out of the demonic influences.

Psalm 68:1 Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him.

Prayer: Father God, as I praise, worship, and exalt your Holy name, open my eyes to see the enemy being desiccated and destroyed.   Amen.

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