15 August 2023 – Prompt or Provoke – Part 3

John 6:66 From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.

Many” of the disciples of Jesus who had been following Him were offended by His teaching and left Him. On hearing it, many of his disciples said, “This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?” (John 6:60). Jesus was teaching His disciples ‘truth and life’ and training them as preachers, apostles and teachers.  Everything He taught brought newness and deliverance. He taught them that He was the ‘Bread of Life’. Those who were offended by His teaching did not understand that His words were the bread that they should eat. Their complaining made them dull-headed to the spiritual truth. Offence blocked their mind from truth and spiritual understanding. Yet, the twelve remained and continued to follow Jesus. Jesus went on to explain to them that the words He has spoken are full of Spirit and rejuvenates life in their inner being. The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life (vs 63). The Bible talks about the rebellious in John 6:66 and ironically the mark of the beast is 666!

All of them heard the same teaching from the Greatest Teacher in the World, Jesus. Yet, many of them fell away as His teaching provoked them and did not prompt them to draw near. Before we criticize a sermon, and condemn a preacher, analyze if the teaching and preaching is stirring for a higher call of holiness. If the answer is ‘yes’ we must allow the words of truth to prompt us and not provoke us. There are no passages in the Bible that are outdated and must be ignored. The Bible must be read in its entirety, ingested and digested completely. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). 

Research says that 27% of the people do not prioritize reading the Bible and 18% don’t have the time. 14% think it is outdated. God’s Word is packed with power to prompt us into holiness, godliness and goodness.    

Prompts or Provocations:

1.     Prioritize: God’s Word is full of Spirit and life – which simply means that the more we fill our minds and memories with God’s Word, the more of His nature will be inculcated in us.          

2.     Plan: An unplanned day will toss us around like the waves of the sea. The waves will move in the direction of the winds. Plan to read and spend time with God. The one who plans to read His Word will never be hungry spiritually.

3.     Phobia: Phobia is an underlying current of fear and anxiety that controls the emotions of a person. There is no medical remedy for phobia. However, the Word of God is the best antidote to overcome a phobia and any incurable illness.  

God’s Words are prompts to holiness, godliness and goodness.

John 6:68 Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I commit to read your Word with openness of mind to receive instruction, conviction, correction, and restoration; and to train my mind and body to live in obedience, integrity and morality. Amen.

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