23 August 2023 – Blessed – Part 4

Genesis 39:3&5 When his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord gave him success in everything he did….From the time he put him in charge of his household and of all that he owned, the Lord blessed the household of the Egyptian because of Joseph.

The favour of God floods our lives with blessings. Blessed life is not a life free of challenges but a life where the favour of God will be evident in the crisis. The favour of God will not only help God’s chosen to overcome but will also mold them to become more than conquerors. Conquerors are soldiers who fight and win their battles, but those who are more than conquerors have won and become sergeants who lead others to conquer their challenges.

Joseph is an iconic character and perfect epitome of a ‘blessed life’. There are sermons that teach us that he was blessed after he was elevated as the Pharaoh’s right hand man, but he was blessed throughout the journey. Joseph’s brothers were about to kill him, but the Lord twisted their minds to sell him as a slave. So they sold him as a slave into Egypt instead of murdering him. His first boss, in Egypt, Potiphar recognized the favour of God upon Joseph and put him in-charge of everything in his household. Once Joseph was promoted from a slave to the ‘property manager’ in the house of Potiphar, the Lord blessed the household of the Egyptian. Then Joseph found himself in the dark dungeon of Egypt for no fault of his, yet even in the prison, the favour of God was obvious on him. But while Joseph was there in the prison, the Lord was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden (vs 20-21). Even in the prison Joseph was promoted to be the ‘head prison officer’.    

A state of blessedness is when the favour of God is noticeable in our life. The favour of God was on Joseph in the pit, at Potiphar’s house, and in the prison before he was promoted as the Prime Minister.

The favour of God follows those who fear Him:

1.     Fastidious: If we are scrupulous, meticulous and fastidious to reverentially fear God, His favour will always be around us. Reverential fear of God is to be extremely careful not to displease Him or hurt the heart of God. The fastidious do not have any known disobedience in their life.  

2.     Frivolous: The frivolous and playful who are not conscious about their choices and decisions, will unconsciously walkway from the favour of God.

3.     Fervid: The fervent, fervid and passionate are surrounded by the favour of God. To be blessed, pursue the fear of God and the favour of God will automatically shield you.                                          

When the favour of God is upon us we will be blessed in the pit, prison and the palace.

Psalm 5:12b You surround them with your favor as with a shield.

Prayer: Sovereign Lord, I choose to honour you, than to gain the favour of men. When you are with me, I am on the wining team. Amen.

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