26 August 2023 – Blessed – Part 7

Psalm 1:3b Whatever they do prospers.

Blessing and prosperity abides in the dwelling of a man/woman who fears the Lord. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours (Psalm 128:2). Everybody wants the blessing and favour of the Lord but God can bless whatever we do only if we walk in the fear of the Lord. The pronoun ‘whatever’ refers to everything (without any restriction). Hence, the fear of God and the favour/(blessing) of God are two sides of the same coin. One cannot exist without the other.

Fear of God is the deep sense of caution in the conscience to refrain from anything that would hurt the heart of God or cause harm to His Holy name. We don’t have to pray for favour or plead for blessings. Favour follows those who fear the Lord. The precondition to the favour of God is the reverential fear of God. The fear of God will stop us from being quick to judge, scorn or slander. The fear of God will rule over our choices, decisions and entertainment. The fear of God will keep our intentions clean and actions authentic. We will only say what we mean and will not do anything to please others or promote ourselves. We will be more aware that God is watching us and listening to our conversation than about the opinion of the people around us. We will never do anything to impress people but will only be the positive influence that God wants us to be. There will be no difference between who we are in secret to what we are in public. We will be transparent, genuine and truthful.  

Blessings and prosperity are not measured by our position or possession but the presence of the Lord and the favour of God.    

Three ingredients to enjoy a blessed life:

1.     Private: Our thinking affects our feelings, beliefs and our actions. Capture every ugly, unholy, unwholesome thought and surrender it to Jesus. Stop having battles and dialogues with people who have offended you in your mind. What replays in our mind will be displayed in our life.   

2.     Public: The ideologies, theologies and testimonies we agree and acknowledge will become our public image. Being part of a slanderous, judgmental and contemptuous group will make us one with the mockers even if we do not agree to what they say. ‘Silence is the signal to acceptance’. Don’t identify with a system or an association where God is absent.

3.     Purity: Purity in thought, word and deed intensifies the viscosity of God’s presence and His favour in our lives.        

The fear of the Lord will stop us from engaging or entertaining anything that He will not vouch. The fear of the Lord automatically encircles us with the favour of God.

Psalm 1:1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take

or sit in the company of mockers.

Prayer: Father God, may the fear of displeasing You disperse the temptation of pleasing people. Teach me the way to live a blessed life shadowed by Your favour. Amen.

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