27 August 2023 – Eyes – Part 1

1 Samuel 16:12b Now he(David) was ruddy and had beautiful eyes and was handsome. And the LORD said, “Arise, anoint him, for this is he.”

There are no unnecessary details in the Bible. David is described as a young man glowing in health, handsome with beautiful eyes. This is not just a description of his physical eyes, dazzling and glistening with light but a description of his spiritual health and vision. The eyes of the heart of David were bright, beautiful and benevolent. The eyes of the heart illuminate the vision of our mind.

Physical eyes take in light from the world around us and send visual information to our brain to form images but the spiritual eyes take the light from the heart to visualize the world around us. Both the physical and spiritual eyes take the light to see but the source of the light of our physical eyes is from the world but the source of the spiritual eyes is from the Light of the World, Jesus. ‘The source of light’ changes the information and image formation. Worldly images are painted with uncertainties, qualm and fear but spiritual images accentuate hope, joy and peace.

David’s spiritual eyes were beautiful, bold and brave. The army of Israel saw an indomitable giant and trembled but David’s eyes saw the blasphemous ginormous giant, Goliath, as a potential hunt and a juicy prey. The Israelite army hid behind the rocks when the giant growled but David challenged the lethal monster. David saw a mighty victory but the army saw massacre and defeat. David was enlightened with the light of God’s Word hence, his eyes saw the victory. He had God’s Word hidden in his heart that said that God of the army of Israel will fight for them. He saw the giant and the Philistine army as carcasses even before he plunged into the battlefield.

When our spiritual eyes are enlightened and beautiful, we will get excited at challenges but when the spiritual eyes are blinded everything around us will look dark and scary.        

Beautiful eyes of the heart:

1.     Boldness: How we see is how we feel. If we see failure then we will cringe and cower. However, if we see our crisis through the eyes of God, we will be bucked with boldness. Blinded eyes will break our faith but beautiful spiritual eyes will build our faith.      

2.     Bravery: Vision feeds bravery and courage. Light of the world or worldly knowledge, thesis, analysis and research will steal away the strength of the soul. But the light from God’s world will enlighten our heart and fortify us with bravery.

3.     Beautiful: David not only had beautiful gleaming physical eyes, he had insightful spiritual eyes. Hence the Lord anointed him to be the next king over Israel.                                                                   

Beautiful enlightened spiritual eyes bolster us with boldness and bravery.

Ephesians 1:18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people.

Prayer: Father of Lights, open my spiritual eyes so that they may be beautiful, bold and brave. Help me to draw light from your Word to see the world around me through your beautiful vision. Amen.

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