03 September 2023 – Stay Young – Part 1

Isaiah 40:30-31 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles.

The total annual spend on the global anti-aging cosmetics market value sits at $38.62 billion and it is expected to reach to about $60.26 billion by the year 2026! People in the age bracket of 30 to 59 years spend the most on anti-aging products. Few decades ago primary target users of the beauty industry were only women; however that trend has changed and now both men as well as individuals of all ages and ethnicities have become potential users. The truth behind the expensive anti-aging skincare products is that they will never be able to stop aging.

The secret to remain young and stay youthful is hidden in the Word of God. ‘But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength’. Those who wait for God’s timing, God’s provision and God’s leading will not get worried, weary or worked-up. Waiting on the Lord is just trusting that God is in absolute control of their lives. Sign of aging is not wrinkled skin but a crumbled heart. Those who are broken in their heart might have tight skin but a flail soul. Youth hood is not in the beauty of our skin but the tenacity of our hearts.  

Daniel was about 80 years old when Belshazzar, the grandson of the successor of Nebuchadnezzar, became king. However, when the king was traumatized by the writing on the wall, he called for Daniel. Daniel was a wise visionary elderly counselor to kings of Babylon. The king witnessed about the elderly wise man Daniel – ‘I have heard that the spirit of the gods is in you and that you have insight, intelligence and outstanding wisdom’ (Daniel 5:14). Wisdom never grows old and the wise never loses their value.

The secret to remain young and youthful is to stop worrying and start waiting on the Lord. Walk with God will make us wise and valuable.                                                                                                               

1.     Worry: It is medically proven that chronic stress decreases telomerase levels, which end up speeding the aging process. So why worry, just worship. When anxiety grips your heart, play worship music and start singing along.

2.     Wait: Waiting for an answer or breakthrough can push us into weariness and chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue makes you age rapidly. So, rather than exasperating yourself by panicking, learn to walk with God and enjoy the waiting. Thank God for where you are right now.  God is never late.

3.     Work: Stressful jobs and overworking can cause you to age faster physically. So, stop stressing about work and learn to enjoy what you do. Those who learn to wait on God before they plunge into their busy day at work will be successful in all that they do. So, wait on God before work begins.                                                   

Walking with God, waiting on the Lord and worshipping Him will keep us healthy and young in our spirit.

Isaiah 40:31b They shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

Prayer: Dearest Holy Spirit, teach and coach me to wait on you. Help me to purchase without cost. the best anti-aging cream, by waiting, walking, and worshiping you. Amen.

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