11 September 2023 – Hindrances – Part 2

Luke 8:14 The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature.

Worries, riches and ungodly pleasures can become hindrances. It is a sin to wallow in worries. Worries and cares of life will choke the Word of God out of our heart. Worrying makes us overwork. Worry steals our worship. Worry whispers gloom and doom in our ears. Allowing anxiety and worry to steal our joy and sleep is an open declaration of lack of faith. Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever (Psalm 125:1). Most times we cannot blame hell for hindering our progress. It is our own anxiety that becomes a barrier and hinders our progress.

Likewise greed to accumulate wealth and worldly pleasures can be a hindrance to our growth. Greed can make the heart crude, cruel and callous. Nabal was a wealthy man but was surly and stingy (1 Samuel 25:2-26). While Nabal was reveling, celebrating and cherishing the hefty harvest his heart became like a stone, insensitive to the grace and goodness of God. Nabal’s wealth made him a loathsome, arrogant fool. In his haughtiness he insulted David, the Lord’s anointed servant. The Lord struck Nabal and he died (vs 38). The end of this filthy rich stingy sluggard was sudden. Love of money and his security in wealth became his hindrance. Similarly, ungodly entertainments and material entanglements can become roadblocks.

Most of the lift in a normal aircraft is generated by the wings. It is a graphic illustration that when we throw our hands up in the air, in total surrender and worship, our spirits will be lifted up. As long as we hold on to our cares we will be grounded in fear and anxiety.

Worries, riches and pleasures can turn into boulders and hindrances:

1.     Finances: Plan but don’t panic about your finances. Fear will invite unexpected expenses but trusting God with our needs will bring unexpected surprises. Tithing first before we spend on ourselves exhibits our trust in God. Tithing is not the law of the legalistic, but a law of love. Tithing honours God for the blessing before expending on our own needs. Holding back giving and tithing will hinder our financial progress.   

2.     Fortune: Having wealth is not wrong, but love of money is the root of all evil. A good man leaves an inheritance to his grandchildren, but the sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous (Proverbs 13:22). God gives us property and prosperity but possessions must not possess us.

3.     Friends: Leisure, pleasure and fellowships must help us to progress and not regress in life. Cheap pleasures and envious people can hinder our growth if we don’t learn to say ‘no’ and sever ungodly entertainments.    

Anxiety, hoarding of wealth and ungodly amusements are hindrances that stunt our progress.

Luke 12.15: “Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”

Prayer: Father God, I surrender all my anxieties, cares and concerns. Teach me to use my wealth to accumulate treasures in heaven and not hoard them on earth. Amen.

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