21 September 2023 – Journey – Part 5

Genesis 12:1 The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.

The National Institute of Health provided scientific literature with sufficient cross-sectional evidence that during the COVID-19 pandemic those individuals with ‘high level of intolerance to uncertainty’ were more likely to experience generalized anxiety and depression symptoms. The only thing that is constant in this world is change, however COVID-19 threw the whole world into chaos and uncertainty. Those who did not know how to manage and wade through uncertainty slumped into depression! COVID-19 pandemic triggered a 25% increase in prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide.

God called Abram (who was later renamed as Abraham) into the unknown. The Lord God did not give him directions, information or clear instructions. He just said, ‘pack-up your bags and leave’. He did not tell Abraham where he was going or why He was taking him on this journey. Talk about implicit obedience –  Abraham left without any further questions! Abraham did not come from a family of pastors and preachers. His father was an idol maker. He had a pagan heritage, customs and practices. Yet, He obeyed God and plunged into the world of uncertainties, trusting the Lord.

There are some phases of our life-journey that are extremely uncomfortable, uncertain and unpleasant. When we are journeying through the waiting period of sickness, redundancy or barrenness, it is a walk of faith yet a very distasteful and depressing journey. However, it is our attitude during the uncertain journeys that elevates us spiritually and matures us mentally. Trust God with the ‘where, what, when and why’ during indecisive journeys of life.

Journeys into the unknowns:

1.     Where: Abraham did not have a roadmap or GPS. He trusted God to lead him. Imagine the questions that Sarah would have asked him: “How many days of provision should we pack?”, “Will we ever come back?”, and so on. During uncertain times, while you are waiting for your next career breakthrough, life partner, healing, job or promotion; be of good courage. God will lead you into the destiny that He has planned for you. He will never leave you in the middle of nowhere.

2.     What: Abraham’s family business was idol-making and God did not talk to him about his occupation in the new location. The Bible does not say, he carried his tools and started his idol-making business. God blessed his cattle and sheep and made him a wealthy farmer. “Now Abram was very rich in livestock, in silver and in gold.” (Genesis 13:2). God has already planned our career pathway. Just trust Him for the next steps and promotions.      

3.     Why: A question that will push us into depression during a journey of uncertainty is ‘why Lord’. We might not always know why but we will certainly grow if we go through the journey joyfully. Uncertainty mothers us into maturity.   

Don’t get depressed. Impress God by trusting Him during the journey of uncertainty.

Genesis 12:4a So Abram went, as the Lord had told him.

Prayer: Father in Heaven, life is full of unknowns and I do not know what my future holds but I know who holds my futures. Teach me to remain joyful and enjoy the journey of uncertainties. Amen.

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