08 October 2023 – Discerning God’s Voice – Part 1

Romans 10:17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

Discerning the voice of God is inevitable for a victorious Christian life. Few troubleshooting questions are – Can we hear the voice of God? Can we discern God’s voice with the noise of the world? Do we hear God’s audible voice? Yes it is possible to hear His voice and also discern the voice of God. However, we don’t hear the audible voice of God most times. There are times He will speak through whispers in our heart but most times, He speaks through impressions in our heart. 

“The Lord God speaks to us in our heart, not in our head. The devil messes with our mind and injects toxic thoughts in our head.”

We will start hearing the voice of God when we read the Bible. It is a good practice to read the Word of God aloud. The more we read God’s Word, the clearer His voice will become. Physical ears hear the voice of people. Our mind is attacked with the noise of the demons, but our spirit is sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Hell uses the news and noise to mess with our mind. We will hear a grim financial prediction on the news, the demons will inject fearful thoughts in our mind. ‘Anxious thoughts’ build-up ‘imaginary fear’ causing depression and hopelessness. When fear grips our mind, we must be able to tune into what our heart has to say.

Confusion will turn into clarity when we calm down and start reading the Word. Read until you hear God’s whisper. A verse, phrase or even a syllable will leap out of the excerpts that you are reading and speak a personalized message in your heart.

How to discern the voice of God?

1.     Read: Read until you receive a quickening in your heart. Read until the restless thoughts dissipate. Read with concentration and engage your imagination. Create pictures in your mind as your read a passage. See Jesus walking up the mountain as you read Matthew 5. The Word of God will dilute apprehensions, anger and animosity. It will water down doubt and delusions. That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word (Ephesians 5:26). Read until you hear God.    

2.     Ruminate: Forming pictures in our mind helps us chew the cud. Ruminating and meditating on what we have read will bolster our faith. The ears of our heart must hear the Words of faith over and over again. Listening to our heart will nullify the terrifying thoughts in our mind.  

3.     Regurgitate: Repeat, reiterate and regurgitate God’s Word. Even if it is a word or a syllable that we have heard from the Lord, we must repeat it until it is woven into the fabric of our heart.  

Primarily, God speaks to us through His Word. Love His Word and you will hear His voice.

Psalm 85:8 “Let me hear what God the LORD will speak, for he will speak peace to his people, to his saints”.

Prayer: Father God, speak to me as I read the Bible. Help me to discern your voice in my heart and silence the demonic insinuations in my head. Amen.

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