28 October 2023 – Prayer – Part 7

Luke 23:34 And Jesus was saying, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”

To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you – C. S. Lewis

Prayer of Jesus on the cross is the most powerful prayer in the Bible. It is much more powerful than the prayer of Elijah that shut the heaven from raining for 3 ½ years. It is more powerful than the prayer of Abraham that interceded and saved his nephew Lot and the prayer of Moses that mediated for the sins of the ungrateful Israelites. The prayer of Jesus that forgave the ruthless and the brutal who abused, tortured and crucified Him on the cross, is the most powerful prayer. “Forgiveness, not as a formality; it is a necessity.“”Prayer of forgiveness from the fullness of our heart is powerful”.  

We forgive with our lips but struggle to forget what people have done to us as the wound is still raw and bleeding for years and decades. If we keep revisiting, reminiscing and regurgitating the pain of the past we have not forgiven the offenders.

The first petition of Jesus on the cross was to forgive the abusers. Many times we don’t realize that unforgiveness is a sin. Our fervent prayer will not be heard by heaven if there is unforgiveness hidden in our heart. If I regard iniquity in my heart, The Lord will not hear (Psalm 66:18). The way to overcome unforgiveness is to pray for the wrongdoers. Forgive, not because they deserve it but to set yourself free from the prison of unforgiveness. Bless them; don’t curse.  It is a difficult prayer but the most powerful one that unbolts the treasures of heaven. Prayer of forgiveness should be embedded with our exaltation and petition.

“As it is the business of tailors to make clothes, and the business of cobblers to mend shoes, so it is the business of Christians to pray!” – Martin Luther

Importance of Prayer:

1.     Wants: Prayer is not giving our shopping list to God. It is not about our wants. It is a communication with the Lord that will help us to assess our desires and perceptions to align with God’s plans.     

2.     Will: Prayer is – ‘understanding God’s will and fulfilling His purpose’. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so on earth (Matthew 6:10). The Lord God waits for us to unleash His power on earth through the words of our mouth.

3.     Work: Prayer enables God to get to work on earth. “God does nothing but in answer to prayer” – John Wesley. God in Heaven is waiting for sincere prayers from a pure heart to exhibit His power on earth (2 Chronicles 16:9a). Pray with a pure, humble and contrite heart and the Lord of Hosts will work on your behalf.

Prayer is partnering with God. “Without God, we cannot; without us, God will not.” – St. Augustine.

Luke 6:27-28: But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.

Prayer: Heavenly Father if there is any unforgiveness in me, please give me the grace to forgive and may I never neglect my time of prayer. Amen.

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