30 October 2023 – Messy Mind – Part 2

Genesis 6:5 The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

There is a distinction between the thoughts of the mind and the thoughts of the heart. The thoughts of our mind/soul are driven by emotions, intellects and wants. Our soul gives us intelligent, rational analytical advice, backed by our feelings. The thoughts of our heart on the other hand are from the truth that is hidden in our hearts (Psalm 119:11). The heart is in alignment with the direction of the Holy Spirit. Our inner voice from the heart will be different to the voice of our soul. The mind will say, ‘do it, it gives you pleasure’ but your heart will say, ‘don’t do it, cheap pleasures are costly’.

Mankind reached a state of wickedness as the thoughts of the heart were completely inclined to fulfill the lust and licentiousness of the soul. This is a state where the heart is dead to truth and has become a slave to the soul.

In about 1500 years after the creation of the world, every intention of the thoughts of the heart of man was wicked.  It was an era when multimedia distractions were absent. The internet, television or mobile phones did not influence the thinking yet, the imaginations of the human heart were continually evil. Their own minds were a movie theatre of promiscuity and perversion which polluted the heart.

The thoughts of our heart correct and convict the thoughts of the mind. When the mind is driven by emotions, the heart will pull the bridle and redirect us to focus on whatever is holy, pure and trustworthy. However, a ‘messy mind’ is a mind that is adamant and arrogant to listen to the heart. It is a state where a person is brainwashed and their ‘rationale’ and ‘facts’ support their pre-established beliefs. A brainwashed person has no listening ear to the thoughts of their heart. Terrorists, serial killers and violent evil doers are brainwashed to hurt, kill and ravage others by first destroying their own conscience. Their heart is a slave to their mind/soul.

Messy minds are heartless:

1.     Imagination: Imaginations corrupt the thoughts of the mind and confuses the thoughts of the heart. Bitterness, insecurity or inferiority/superiority complex can inculcate imaginations that can corrode godly thoughts. A murderer imagines and rehearses the treachery many times before he attempts it.         

2.     Intention: Messy minds clutter the arteries of the spiritual heart resulting in spiritual heart failure. Even on his bed he plots wickedness; he sets himself on a path that is not good; he fails to reject evil (Psalm 36:4). If wrong thoughts are not uprooted they turn into wickedness.  

3.     Inclination: Messy minds morph the heart over a period of time to obey the wants and desires of the mind. The heart should rule over the mind, but when the mind/soul directs the heart, the end will be disastrous.

Messy minds kill the conscience and commit wickedness.

Psalm 119:11 “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”

Prayer: Father God, I will hide your word in my heart so that my mind may never corrupt or be misled. Amen.

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