04 November 2023 – Messy Mind – Part 7

Romans 7:22-23 I love God’s law with all my heart. But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me.

The author and the leader of the Chinese Church (1903-1972) Pastor Watchman Nee, in his book “The Spiritual Man” brilliantly deciphered the difference between a spiritual man and a soulish man, (heart and mind). The soul/(mind) is goaded and baffled by our emotions, desires and intellect but the spirit/(heart) is led by the gentle nudging of the Holy Spirit. A person who is dragged by their mind and feelings will find themselves in the mess of their mistakes. Messy mind is a result of repeated wrong choices and decisions.

“Feelings come and feelings go, and feelings are deceiving; my warrant is the Word of God” – Martin Luther.  

Choices that gratify the flesh or the soul are destructive. Samson was a powerful judge with supernatural strength who protected Israel for 20 years from the attack of the enemies. However, one day he chose to indulge in fornication. Repeated wrong choices turned into a loathsome habitual sexual immorality that destroyed the great leader. Sin always starts small. “Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay”. Messy minds make poor choices and decisions.

Three traits of Soulish man vs Spirit man (Mind over Heart):

1.     SelfishOur prayers can tell us how selfish or selfless we are! People who are driven by their feelings, wants and intellect will talk to God only about their “desires”. Prayers from the mind will be “Bless me and meet my wants”. There will be no room or time to understand God’s will, plan and purpose for their lives.  A mind that is dominant over the heart makes a person selfish and soulish. 

2.     SillyOur choices can tell us how silly or soulish we are! Our heart will tell us what is right but many times our mind will push us towards what we crave. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing (Romans 7:19).  “Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make, makes you.” — John C. Maxwell.  Messy minds follow their feelings but the sound mind listens to the heartbeat of God. The heart knows the truth but the mind drives us into foolishness and silliness’.

3.     Self-Centered: Our thoughts can tell us how self-centered or self-absorbed we are! Concern about the wellbeing of others in our choices and decisions will determine if we are self-centered soulish beings or selfless sacrificial saints. Evaluate your thoughts.

Messy minds make selfish, silly and self-centered choices and decisions. Sound mind is selfless, serene and sacrificial.

Romans 7:15&25 I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, deliver me from my messy, selfish and soulish thoughts that misdirect me and lead me into truth, holiness and godliness. Amen.

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