17 November 2023 – Pick Your Battles – Part 6

2 Samuel 23:12 But Shammah took his stand in the middle of the field. He defended it and struck the Philistines down, and the LORD brought about a great victory.

“God has an inheritance waiting for you. It’s time to fight and take it”.

Fight for your inheritance. We will fight for our inheritance that God has for us only if we are aware of it. Many live mediocre lives as they are ignorant of their birthright, godly heritage and the divine lineage. Salvation opens the door to the family of God. Jesus becomes our blood brother as He has redeemed us with His precious blood. We become sons and daughters not slaves and maids in God’s Kingdom. The experience of being born again gives us access to God’s chosen treasures. Hence it is imperative to understand and fight for our inheritance. If not, the devil will steal our inheritance, (as he did in the Garden of Eden), and convince us to accept life as it comes.   

The Lord has promised to flourish our field, the fruit of our womb and bless our family. To translate it in modern terms, God will bless our career, children and country, city and community. Peace, posterity and prosperity are ours. (Deuteronomy 28:1-14). We must fight against any attacks on our blessings and birthrights.

There were 37 mighty men of David mentioned and Shammah was one among the three legendary mighty men who defended a lentil field, alone. When the Philistines banded together at a place where there was a field full of lentils, Israel’s troops fled from them (vs 11b). But Shammah took his stand alone in the middle of the field to defend and the Lord God fought for him and brought about a great victory! God will never leave us to fight for our inheritance alone. The army of the Living God will fight, defeat and overthrow the enemy. Hence stand in the middle of the battlefield of prayer.

Fight for your inheritance:

1.     Lentils: Shammah was willing to die for a field of lentils! The Lord has promised that we will enjoy the work of our hands. Our efforts will not go in vain. So, don’t let the enemy meddle with your profession. Pray over your workplace, your drudgery and the rewards.          

2.     Lineage: Shammah defended his heritage. Our families are worth fighting for. The devil connives to divide and rule. He will bring friction within the family and attack the foundation of the family unit. Fight for the conduct and character of your bloodline.  Fight for a godly lineage.   

3.     Legacy: Shammah left a legacy as he stood and fought, when others fled. You are not alone. The armies of the Living God will fight with you and overthrow your enemies.

Take your position in the middle of the prayer closet and fight for your inheritance.

2 Samuel 23:12 But Shammah took his stand in the middle of the field. He defended it and struck the Philistines down, and the Lord brought about a great victory.

Prayer: Father God, Let me not be lethargic in prayer and give way for the enemy to have his way but help me to take my stand on my knees and fight for my inheritance. Amen.

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