18 November 2023 – Pick Your Battles – Part 7

Daniel 10:13 But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia.

There is a spiritual battle going on in the invisible spiritual realm over every crisis and challenge we face in the natural world. Those who battle with the carnal mindset will fail to see the spiritual assault. The violent, hateful or loathsome actions on earth are a result of demonic insinuations, ideas and instincts. Hence every problem requires prayer engagement but not every battle requires our physical involvement.

Our prayer engagement will release angelic protection, defendants and combatants into the crisis. Those who try to fight their battles with their intellect or influence will either fail or only partially win. As Daniel was praying for the fulfillment of the prophecy over the nation of Israel, there was a fierce battle going on in the spiritual realm. Gabriel, the Archangel who brought the answer from heaven said, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them (vs 12). Daniel prayed purposefully, fasted decisively and persevered fervently.

The promises we hold and confess are prophetic utterances and when we quote promises and prophecies over our lives and family our prayers become purposeful and powerful. Fasting takes us to another level of spiritual engagement. Saying no to pleasant and pleasurable appetite puts our physical body in subjection to connect our spirit-man resolutely with the mind of God. Praying with humility, holiness and honesty unleashes the angelic involvement.

Hence, it is important to understand our prayer engagement, physical involvement and priorities.

Pick your battles wisely:

1.     Physical: Don’t rush to people; stand fervently on the promises and prophecies. Daniel did not rush with the prophecy of Jeremiah to the Kings of Persia that stated that the 70 years of captivity had come to an end. (Daniel 9:2-3). Daniel was politically powerful yet he did not run to the king but turned to the Lord to fulfill the prophecy. He broke the resistance from the demonic forces before he could engage in the physical realm.            

2.     Purpose: Assess the purpose. If the battle is to gratify our stubborn desires or pride we will be fighting a losing battle. Understand the purpose and seek divine counsel through fasting and prayer.   

3.     Power: Fasting does not change God; it changes us. Daniel fasted with the intention to understand the mind of God. He did not fast to twist God’s hand to get what he wanted but to gain divine understanding and clear interpretation of the prophecies. Aligning with the purpose of God enthralls the presence of God and releases the power of God over our challenge or crisis.

Not all battles need our physical involvement but need our prayer/spiritual engagement.

Daniel 10:14 “Now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future, for the vision concerns a time yet to come.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, give me the serenity to run to your presence and not to people to understand your purpose and the battle strategies in every challenge I face. Amen.

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