25 November 2023 – Virtues, Values and Visions – Part 7

Numbers 13:1-2b The Lord said to Moses, “Send some men to explore the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites.

Visions are picture-images and peeks into God’s promises for you and me. Visions form images in our brain that imprint as portraits in the mind. Visions are not hallucinations or daydreaming. They are images that form in our soul supported by the Word of God. The image of a promise might be far away from the reality but faith will help us to see the vision come to fruition.

The brain receives optical images from visual inputs which are then converted into electrochemical signals. Images are formed at the retina and sent to the brain with the help of optic nerve through electrical impulses. The memory capacity of a human brain is 2.5 million gigabytes! Images can remain in our memory from a week to a lifetime. Incidents (both good and bad) that have left indelible impacts in our life can remain in our memory for a lifetime. This is why it is extremely important to scrutinize the deluge of thoughts and the images our mind is continuously forming and storing. The images we form are nurtured by our virtues and values to bring the vision to fruition.

The Lord had given the Promised Land to Abraham through a blood covenant about 670 years ago. Moses sent 12 spies to explore – not to assess. They were sent to understand the demography and the topography of the land; not to scrutinize the possibility of possessing it. They were to be the GPS for the people to guide them into the land but instead 10 of the spies became an obstacle and misdirected the Israelites. “The land we explored devours those living in it. All the people we saw there are of great size… We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them” (vs 32-33). They formed a deformed image about themselves as tiny helpless grasshoppers that would be trampled by giants. Their disbelief, derogatory confessions and distorted images destroyed their divine vision.

Virtues, Values & Visions:

1.     Promise: Visions are peeks into the future through the promise of God. Our future is not hinged on our talents, achievements and influence but on the promises that we visualize and vitalize in our spirit.    

2.     Prepare: Visions prepare us to possess God’s promise for us. Those who fail to see themselves flourishing and fruitful will never bear lasting fruits. Erase wrong images, demeaning comments and derogatory criticism that crush the spirit with the blood of Jesus. Confession prepares us to possess God’s promises. Words we profess prepare us for the manifestation of the promise.    

3.     Picture: Visual thinking has been described as seeing words as a series of pictures. Our brain recognizes each word as a picture. So, watch what you say. Form pictures of the promises of God.      

Destroy pejorative words with the blood of Jesus and form visual imagery of God’s promises.

Psalm 19:14 May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Prayer: Papa God, help me to revamp the image and the vision of my heart to align with your plan and promise. Amen.

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