16 December 2023 – Thief – Part 7

Matthew 16:26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?

Demons are like snake oil salesmen! They entice us to exchange our morals for material things. They tempt, bout and banter us with the worldly pleasures and persuade us to trade our character with the cheap carnal pleasure. The ultimate goal of the demonic rabble is to steal our soul. They hate a praying child of God and detest those who tenaciously pursue holiness. The target of the soul stealers are not church-goers but Christ-followers; those who are sold out for Jesus.

Out of all those who lived on the face of the earth, satan’s eyes were on Job, a man who lived faithfully for the Lord. “There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.” (Job 1:8). Satan was not after Job’s donkeys, sheep, cattle, his children or his health; he was after his soul. Satan has no pleasure in our loss but hell and the satanic band rejoice when we curse and question God through the trial. In all these things Job sinned not by his lips, nor spoke he any foolish thing against God (Job 1:22). They steal our thoughts, time and words just to draw us outside the radar of God’s protection and then attack and destroy our soul with lies and deception. Once they get an entry into our mind they bombard us with wrong ideas and ideologies.      

Drive out the soul thieves:

1.     Too Bad: The same demons that tempt us to sin will also spit criticism and condemnation on us. After falling into sin we feel miserably condemned for doing it. There is no pleasure in sin. It gives momentary pleasure but a lifetime of regret. Then, the yelling demons yak that we are too bad to be redeemed and too dirty to be delivered. We can never wander too far for the Lord’s hand to reach, draw, cleanse, deliver, redeem and restore us back to our place as His son and daughter.         

2.     Too Hard: The soul thieves will convince us that it is too hard to change. They will keep repeating that it is OK to live in duplicity and disloyalty. The deception that is very common is that “you’re only human and God understands”. They will convince us so we can never get out of the rathole of sin. Nothing is too hard for the Lord to break – no relationship, habit or addiction.       

3.     Too Late: The ‘soul thieves’ will persuade us that it is too late and God has given up on us. This is a lie from the pit of hell. Jesus died for all our loathsome sins and He will never give up on us.          

Beware of the soul thieves who lure, entice and tempt us with the pleasures, powers and pettiness of the world.

Psalm 103:1 Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.

Prayer: Father God, fill me with your anointing to stand against the luring demonic soul thieves who tempt me with the comforts, cares and concerns of the world.  Amen.

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