06 January 2024 – The Rainbow – Part 6

Genesis 9:17 So God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth.”

The miraculous formation of the rainbow is a sign and symbol of God’s everlasting covenant with humanity. It is a symphony of God’s mercy overarched by His love and grace. However, the cunning deceiver has mutilated the true meaning of the rainbow on the sky with the six coloured striped pride flag of the LGBT community.  The seven colours not only display the nature of God but also the God colours that must be reflected through us. However, the six colours of the Pride flag have dropped Indigo, which reminds us that we are created in the Image of the Lord God Almighty.

The LGBT pride flag is a symbol of compromise and a camouflage of the sinful lifestyle. It is not the colours of a rainbow but just a multicoloured flag that has been changed to suit their convenience overtime. God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones… Men committed shameful acts with other men… (Romans 1:26&27b). The hot pink colour in the original Pride Flag was dropped as the fabric was hard to find! The LGBT pride flag has disfigured the rainbow to cover the detestable sins and shameful lusts.

The indigo that is painted in the sky between blue and violet indicates that we are created in the image of God. Blue reminds us that we are humans and violet reminds us that we are royalty but for a human to become part of the royal family of Christ Jesus, human nature must die and the image of God must be revived. Hence the indigo between the blue and the violet. Sin has to die and holiness has to reign. The indigo in the rainbow is a solemn reminder that humanity becomes royalty only when we are recreated in the image of God.

Transforming into the image of God turns a mere human into royalty:

1.     Sign: Signs are pointers to a purpose. Rainbow is not the sign of compromise but a sign of God’s eternal covenant of forgiveness, graciousness and compassion.

2.     Symbol: Symbols are reminders. Rainbow colour sequence (blue, indigo and violet) reminds us that humanity can never become God’s royalty without transformation into the image of Christ.                 

3.     Siren: The pride flag of the LGBT community is a siren/alarm bell of craftiness, compromise and callousness of lustful carnality. Jesus loves sinners but He does not condone sin. So, sin cannot be shrouded under the deformed multicolour pride flag. The rainbow does not compromise holiness; it is a covenant of God’s graciousness.    

In 2024, be vigilant to the misrepresentation of God’s Word, His promises and His everlasting covenant. The rainbow is a sign and symbol of God’s mercy but the LGBT flag is a siren of masked sin.

Romans 1:28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.

Prayer: Father God, help me to be alert when deception comes as the angel of light and refute compromise.  Amen.

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