24 January 2024 – Why Fast? – Part 3

Matthew 17:20-21 So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”

“Fasting is a tremendous weapon and a source of power in the life of a believer.”— Jentezen Franklin.

Fasting is a powerful weapon. Faith is the ammunition and fasting is the AK47 assault rifle to attack the enemy. The combination of the faith and fasting are crucial to destroy the strongholds and incapacitating bondages. Faith without fasting will make us ineffective and fasting without faith is only dieting. When we pray we are building a spiritual army to defend for us but when we fast and pray we are mustering the fiery angelic military force to wage war, defeat and plunder all that the enemy had stolen from us. Fasting and prayer is an offensive attack and an aggressive advancement against the diabolical realm.

When we declare a fast and dedicate time to pray, the angelic army will be engaged in a fierce battle on our behalf against the lethal demonic marauders. Hell trembles and demons go into hiding when we fast and pray.

Jesus explained to the disciples that they could not heal a demon possessed boy who was suffering from epilepsy as such oppressions can be broken only by fasting and prayer. Battle position is on our knees while we are fasting and praying. Jesus prepared for His ministry by fasting 40 days in the wilderness. He had no air-conditioning, clean water or Kool-Aid that we enjoy. He fasted and prayed in the bare deserted wilderness. Even Jesus the Son of God took time to gather His spiritual strength before He performed astounding miracles in His ministry.

Fasting builds spiritual stamina and muscles to overcome spiritual attacks. We don’t know when the spiritual battle will get fierce; hence it is important to have a regular fasting schedule, at least once a week, few days in a month and throughout the year.  

Fasting is a spiritual weapon:

1.     Weapon: Fasting is a weapon that empowers us with battle strategies and wisdom. Your commands make me wiser than my adversaries (Psalm 119:98a). Fasting breaks the spine of the enemy. The diabolical plans are sabotaged by the weapon of fasting.  

2.     Whip: Fasting is a whip that drives demons out of our territory. Fasting flogs the oppressing, depressing and distressing demons. As we resist the acidic gastric juices of our tummy and say no to food and fast, we are pouring acid on the foraging demons.  

3.     Warfare: Fasting threatens the foundations of the demonic bondages. As we start to fast the demonic strongholds loosen and become shaky. They will crumble down like the walls of Jericho before we finish our fast. 

Fasting is truly the secret source of atomic power.

Daniel 9:3 So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, open my eyes to see the power behind fasting and help me to pray in the spirit. Amen.

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