25 January 2024 – Why Fast? – Part 4

Matthew 6:16-17 “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.  But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face.

“By fasting, the body learns to obey the soul; by praying the soul learns to command the body.”— William Secker.

Fasting is a private investment that yields public rewards. Jesus gave us clear guidelines about fasting. He said that we must not look somber or disfigured in our faces to announce to the world that we are fasting. Fasting curbs our cravings and makes our body and mind to be obedient to the spirit. Fasting and praying brings our body and soul under the subjection of the spirit.

We do not fast to flaunt on social media about our piety. The purpose of the fast is to get intimate with the Lord God and not to become popular among our church group. Jesus did not say that fasting must be done in secrecy; He only prohibited propaganda. The hypocritical scribes and Pharisees wanted the public to know that they were fasting so they would have a sad countenance. Fasting twice a week was the Pharasic practice. They fasted for people to notice and laud them for their own personal selfish interests and Jesus condemned such conceit in fasting.

In fact, scientists have proven that intermittent fasting makes our skin glow. Fasting helps the body to naturally detox and repair itself by clearing out toxins and cellular debris that makes the skin clearer and healthier. Furthermore, caloric restriction may improve the appearance of wrinkles and decrease the presence of oxidative stress!

Hence Jesus strictly reprimanded the ostentatious hypocrites who had a pathetic looking face while they fasted. Fasting is a spiritual obedience in secret that brings public reward.

Three don’ts while fasting:

1.     Disfigured: We must be careful not to boast about fasting unless it will boost the listeners to discipline themselves.  We must not talk about our fasting to brag but only to build the faith of others. Fasting is not an outward cassock that we wear for people to notice our holiness. It is an obedience that clothes us with inner beauty and purity. Don’t look disfigured.  

2.     Distressed: A hungry man is an angry man. The only way to overcome the irritation while we are fasting is to read the Word of God. Spend more time to feed on the Word. If we are annoyed, angry and distressed while fasting it will defeat the purpose of fasting. So devour the Bible to drive away distress.   

3.     Direct: It is only when we fast we will be tempted to watch cooking shows, Master Chef or new recipes to cook after we finish the fast. Redirect your attention from food to fervorous worship and prayer.   

Fasting brings a healthy glow on our face.

Matthew 6:18 Then no one will notice that you are fasting, except your Father, who knows what you do in private. And your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.

Prayer: Father God, I surrender any carnal thought that boasts about my discipline of fasting. Help me to draw close to you while I fast. Amen.

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