31 January 2024 – Why Pray? – Part 3

Genesis 18:32 Then he said, “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten can be found there?”

Only God can move mountains but faith and prayer move God — EM Bounds

Prayer moves the heart of God. We know that “fasting and prayer does not change God but changes us” but there is an appendix to this preposition. Fasting and prayer does not change God to do what we want Him to do, but sincere and faithful prayer touches the heart of God. Our time of prayer is largely misunderstood as a time of petitioning but prayer is a time to talk to the Lord, to understand the rhythm of His heartbeat and petition according to His will.

When we pray understanding the heart of God, our petitions translate into answers. Abraham went on a prayer walk with God. They spoke about the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and the Lord told Abraham “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous” (vs 20). Abraham understood that it was God’s time to judge the wickedness of these cities; however he was concerned about his nephew Lot who lived there. Abraham was well acquainted with the nature of God that He will not treat the righteous and the wicked alike. Hence he prayed, “Far be it from you to do such a thing—to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?” (vs 25). After a long discussion Abraham and the Lord God settled that even if there are 10 righteous people He will not destroy the wicked cities. He answered, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it” (vs 32b).

When we pray for lost souls, who are in bad entanglements, engaging in foul addictions, we can be rest assured that God will send His angels to rescue the wayward from the wicked. After the prayer Abraham went back to his tent in peace. The Lord God did not send Abraham to rescue Lot but gave him the confidence that his nephew will be saved from destruction.        

Faith and prayer moves the heart of God:

1.     Plans: God did not change His plans to bring judgement against the wicked cities but He sent His angels to rescue because Abraham interceded. Our prayer will send angels to save the vile, violent and the wayward family members. Don’t give up praying for the salvation of the disobedient. Prayers for the lost move the heart of God.      

2.     Peace: Abraham went home in peace as he knew his prayers were answered. If peace has not flooded our hearts after prayer then, we have not heard the comforting voice of the Holy Spirit. Listen more and talk less in prayer. 

3.     Perspectives: Prayer will change our perspective and our persistence will move the heart of God.

Don’t give up praying for the wayward. Angels are commissioned because of our intercessions.

Genesis 18:33 When the Lord had finished speaking with Abraham, he left, and Abraham returned home.

Prayer: Father God, help me to understand your plans and perspective and pray fruitful prayers. Amen.

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