01 February 2024 – Why Pray? – Part 4

Genesis 3:8 In the cool of the evening, the man and his wife heard the LORD God walking around in the garden.

What did Adam and Eve talk to God every day? They had nothing to pray about. There was no desperate financial need, no disappointing relationships or disturbing medical results. There were no theological confusions or hermeneutics to talk about. There were no family dramas or friendship frictions to resolve. They did not know fear, anxiety or depression. There were no sins to confess. Then, what did they pray or converse with God about every single day?

They would have discussed secrets, science and semantics. Adam would have taken the Lord by hand to show Him the cat, rat and the orangutans that he named that day. Eve would have skipped into the new waterfalls she discovered on the other side of the Garden of Eden. They would have just talked and enjoyed each other’s company while eating the cherries, cashews and chestnuts along the way. It would have been a time of refreshment and enlightenment. 

Prayer is talking to God all that is on your mind then, pausing and waiting to listen to what He has on His mind. Prayer is listening more to God than talking.      

Prayer conversations with God should be about interesting topics:

1.     Science: The Lord God and Adam and Eve would have discussed the science behind the scriptures. Adam would have discussed geography and topography; the mountains, plains and hills and Eve would have spoken about the flowers and the flamboyance of God’s beautiful creation. Our time of prayer to clear our doubts, scientific confusions or even robotics. It should be about praising and marveling about His wonderful creations.

2.     Semitics: There would have been knowledge transfer of language, linguistics and lingo between the Lord God and Adam and Eve. The Lord God taught Adam and Eve to talk like a mother would teach her toddler. Similarly, He will teach us the eloquence to speak and the ethos behind our expressions. “The Lord GOD has given Me The tongue of the learned, That I should know how to speak A word in season to him who is weary” (Isaiah 50:4). Our constant communication with God will change our vocabulary until our voice box echoes the voice of Jesus to the discouraged souls.

3.     Secrets: The Lord God and Adam and Eve would have discussed secrets about how God spoke all of the creations into being. They might have discussed the fall of Lucifer; his rebellion, expulsion and eviction from heaven. Prayer time is the precious moment when God imparts secrets into our hearts if we have the ears to listen. 

Personal Prayer is our One-on-one conversations with God. He will patiently listen to all that we have to say but is also waiting for us to listen to all that He has to say.    

Psalm 25:14 The LORD confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them.

Prayer: Father God, I want to talk about deep secrets with you during my time of prayer. Help me to hear your voice clearly to have wonderful conversations with you. Amen.

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