13 February 2024 – Metamorphosis – Part 2

Isaiah 62:2b You shall be called by a new name, Which the mouth of the LORD will name.

Metamorphosis (in an insect or amphibian) is the process of transformation from an immature form to an adult form in two or more distinct stages. Unlike caterpillars that go through the process of metamorphosis from an egg into a beautiful butterfly, a chicken’s embryo goes through partial metamorphosis into an egg and then into an adult. Their evolution is called “homologous” where the young resemble the adult. Whether an egg goes through metamorphosis partially or fully, the form, structure and composition of an egg is completely transformed. Likewise, those who go through spiritual metamorphosis go through a complete makeover from their previous sinful or fallen lives. We transform inside out to influence the world right side up!

“The process of spiritual metamorphosis transforms us into a new person”.      

The early apostles went through the process of metamorphosis while they waited for ten days in the upper room to be anointed with the power of the Holy Spirit. It was very similar to a hen sitting on her eggs to incubate and hatch them. The ‘broody hen’ sits for extended periods of time to keep her unfertilized eggs until they hatch. We must get broody to transform into people of purpose. If not, the passion in our heart will not take form, shape or structure to hatch into a powerful purpose. The thirst and tenacity of the early apostles transformed timid disciples into threats to the diabolical forces and the religious leaders.   “These who have turned the world upside down have come here too” (Acts 17:6b). This comment about Paul and Silas by the Jews in Thessalonica must have hit the headlines of the Israeli Times! The envious Jewish leaders conspired against ‘the transformed Paul’ and ‘the tenacious Silas’ as they were changing the world right side up. They were enlightening the people with truth and exposing legalism and religiosity. Spiritual metamorphosis transforms us into world reformers.    

Spiritual Metamorphosis turns the world right side up:

1.     Broody: Like a mother hen we must become broody and serious about transformation. Consistency and disciplined lifestyle are crucial to spiritual metamorphosis. A ‘broody hen’ will refuse food and water to make her body temperature go up to incubate and fertilize her eggs. Fasting and prayer are inevitable during spiritual metamorphosis.  

2.     Buoyancy: Those who go through spiritual metamorphosis will be opposed, criticized, mocked and even accused but it is important to remain buoyant and cheerful. Our transformation is not to get the appreciation or approval from men but to accomplish our God-given purpose.             

3.     Bold: Like the chick that resembles the mamma hen, spiritual metamorphosis will reflect Christ-likeness in us. A transformed person is not jaded by threats or torture but will be bold, brave and buoyant.    

Spiritual metamorphosis will make us transformers who turn the world right side up!

John 15:19b I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you.

Prayer: Father God, transform me and make me turn the world around me right side up. Amen.

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