02 March 2024 – Summer Is Coming – Part 6

Esther 4:14b Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?”

No force, power or political authority can change times and seasons. Human intelligence can warn us against an earthquake, tsunami, thunderstorm, tornado or typhoon but can do nothing to stop or change its direction. When He imparted weight to the wind and meted out the waters by measure, When He set a limit for the rain and a course for the thunderbolt (Job 28:25-26). Similarly, it is the Lord God who determines the seasons of our life as well. Autumn, winter, spring and summer are all under the control of the Almighty. The season we are in right now is not an accident. The prolonged period of waiting for a healing or spinsterhood or bachelorhood or a business breakthrough is yet another season in our life. The challenge is a season but the change is coming soon‘Summer is Coming’!

Esther’s life and lifestyle drastically changed when she moved from the shack of her cousin Mordecai, into the Persian palace, to become the Queen of King Xerxes (also known as King Ahasuerus). Xerxes was a bad-tempered irrational bureaucrat and an extravagant drunkard. He was arrogant, egoistic, a male chauvinist and a manipulative control freak. It was not easy to be his wife. Esther won the beauty contest against thousands of beautiful virgins to rise up to the powerful position and in that season of her life God used the orphaned exile girl, from an ordinary deprived family, to re-write history and preserve the Jews.

The season we are in, no matter how difficult or challenging it may be, is God ordained and divinely appointed. Remember, the cloudy dark skies will soon turn into brilliant sunshine if we pursue God’s purpose and plan.  

Summer Is Coming:

1.     Embrace: Embrace the season that you are in. The season of waiting, season of disappointment, season of betrayal, season of loneliness will soon pass away. Esther would not have become the mouthpiece of God to speak the truth to the irrational king if she did not embrace her position in the palace. Embrace the challenging season – Summer is coming.

2.     Equip: You are equipped for the season that you are in. Esther received the crown before she went into the crisis. The crown of the Queen was the weapon that she used to overrule the evil decree against the Jews. We are equipped with spiritual armory and the divine weapons of warfare are more than enough to override the bigotry, injustice and prejudice.        

3.     Enjoy: Enjoy the journey. Don’t crib, cringe and complain. No challenge is permanent. This too will pass. 

Like Esther embrace your calling, use the weapons of warfare and enjoy the seasons of life.

Esther 5:1 Now it came to pass on the third day, that Esther put on her royal apparel, and stood in the inner court of the king’s house.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to put on my royal garments and authority and get through the challenging seasons of life victoriously. Amen.

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