08 March 2024 – WWJD – Part 5

John 3:3-5 Jesus’ brothers said to him, “Leave Galilee and go to Judea, so that your disciples there may see the works you do. No one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret. Since you are doing these things, show yourself to the world.” For even His own brothers did not believe in Him.

“Everything BIG starts small”. It is very important to not allow small minds to shoot down big dreams and divine visions. Narrow-minded envious people will belittle and discourage our passion and progression. So, it is important to discern ‘concern’ from ‘control’ and ‘care’ from ‘condemnation’. When confronted with pessimistic suggestions and derogatory comments about the passion in your heart, ask yourself WWJD?

In the early days of the ministry of Jesus, His half-brothers, James, Simon, Joses and Judas (Matthew 13:55-56), accosted and attacked Him with false accusations. They gave him demeaning counsels to go and perform miracles in Judea and the city of Jerusalem. The Jews of Jerusalem looked down on the Jews from Galilee. So they nudged Jesus to move His pulpit from the impoverished peasants in Galilee, to the affluent and opulent in Jerusalem. They said to Jesus to move to the city to become “famous” and “popular”.

These half-brothers grew up with Jesus under the same roof and witnessed the power and anointing of the Messiah. They would have been with Him at the wedding at Cana, in Galilee and witnessed the very first miracle of water turning into wine. Bible scholars believe that the wedding at Cana was John’s wedding, the son of Salome, Mary’s sister. Hence all the cousins would have attended the wedding. Many times, those who are closest to us will not understand our dream or support our vision. Don’t be jaded by the condescending comments or actions of the myopic mockers.

WWJD – when teased, ridiculed and criticized?

1.     Jabbed: Jesus was jabbed by mockery by His own family yet He did not let the malign stop Him. His family tried to convince Jesus to stop and rethink about the ministry as the Miracle Man Jesus was stirring up the fierce opposition of the Jewish leaders and Sanhedrin (Matthew 12:46-47).   

2.     Judged: Jesus was accused and judged of trying to become prominent but scorn and scum did not jeopardize His ministry. His brothers scorned Him saying, ‘Go find a bigger platform to perform your miracles’ (paraphrased).            

3.     Justified: Jesus did not yield to emotional manipulation. Jesus politely and gently replied, ‘You go up to this feast. I am not yet going up to this feast, for My time has not yet fully come’ (John 7:8). He did not justify or prove to them why He was doing what He was doing. We don’t have to justify our passion, commission and mission by our posts on social media to prove our point. Don’t justify. Do what Jesus did and fulfill your calling.  

WWJD – When jabbed with jealousy, jarred and judged, respond like Jesus. Remain focused and move forward.

John 7:9 When He had said these things to them, He remained in Galilee.

Prayer: King Jesus, Help me to respond the way you did to mockery, jealousy and bigotry and not allow small minds shoot down big visions and missions. Amen.

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