14 March 2024 – Stronghold – Part 4

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

A stronghold is not built with a single brick. Brick upon brick sealed with mortar and cement will build the walls of a stronghold. An unhealthy thought does not trap us into an unholy stronghold but illegitimate, toxic and pessimistic thoughts that turn into thinking patterns or toxic habits build invisible imprisoning strongholds. Insecurity is one of the main causes of developing wrong thinking and behavioral patterns. Insecurity is security in the wrong place. A crisis exposes our insecurity. A health, financial or relationship challenge will reveal our insecurity. Security in possessions, people, position or power is ‘security on loose grounds’. Security in our jobs, talents or even friends can tarnish our thinking and corrupt our character. Insecurity is the root cause of envy, anger, anxiety and animosity. It can arouse jealousy and lead to self-doubt.

The sin that turned into a stronghold in the life of King Saul was insecurity. King Saul became envious of the shepherd boy with a slingshot, which enslaved him into the stronghold of jealousy. Now the Spirit of the LORD had left Saul, and the LORD sent a tormenting spirit that filled him with depression and fear (1 Samuel 16:14). Ungodly strongholds are the dwelling place of demonic spirits.

Unresolved anger, painful abuse, heartbreaking hurts can also build an unhealthy stronghold that becomes the abode of evil spirits. Firstly, identify the strongholds, then demolish them and finally build healthy strongholds of safety and security in the Lord.

Repeated sinful thought patterns build strongholds.

Demolish Unholy/Unhealthy Strongholds:

1.     Anxiety: A pattern of fearful and anxious thoughts can build a stronghold of dread and depression. Living in fear of losing what we have can cause panic attacks. Everything we own is the Lord’s anyway. Becoming overwhelmed with anxiety is not going to secure a relationship, job or health. Demolish fearful and anxious thoughts by feeding on the promises of God and not the foreboding. Fear kills faith, so demolish fear with faith.    

2.     Anger: Anger is a natural reaction when injustice hits us hard but the Word of God warns us “Be angry but don’t throw anger tantrums” (paraphrased). Bottled-up emotions, anger, frustrations or resentment can make a person quick-tempered. Destroy unresolved anger by confiding, confessing and being accountable to a good friend or a spiritual leader.  

3.     Animosity: Animosity and bitterness are deep rooted venom that will poison the soul and contaminate our character. Bitterness will also lead to revenge if not unearthed. Uproot hidden unforgiveness, hatred and the throbbing pain of abuse, and bulldoze the stronghold of bitterness.   

Demolish the stronghold of anxiety, destroy suppressed anger and bulldoze the walls of bitterness.

Ephesians 4:31 “Let all bitterness, anger and wrath, shouting and slander be removed from you, along with all malice.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, give me the spiritual tenacity to demolish unholy and unhealthy strongholds. Set me free from wrong thinking patterns. Amen.

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