19 March 2024 – Securities – Part 2

Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

An emotionally insecure person lacks confidence in their own abilities and talents and lives under a constant threat that their present positive state is only temporary. They are controlled by fear of losing what they have hence are swirled into the vicious “power and control wheel”.  ‘Power and Control Wheel’ explains the causes of domestic violence by controlling, violent and manipulative behaviours spiraling from emotional insecurity. Security in the opinions, acceptance and approval of people is refuge in the wrong place that erupts as controlling and manipulative behaviour traits. 

King Saul was an emotionally insecure psychotic king. As he lacked confidence in his leadership he was not able to appreciate or develop the next generation. Bible Timelines tell us that David was about 15 years when he killed Goliath and Saul might have been around 57 years old, yet, the victory of the young champion (who was younger than his own sons) turned Saul into a violent psychopath! Saul was traumatized by the spirit of envy and while David was playing the lyre, Saul tried to pin him to the wall with his spear, but David eluded him as Saul drove the spear into the wall. That night David made good his escape (1 Samuel 19:9b-10). Saul started as a great king but his emotional insecurities and hunger for power desecrated his kingship.

“Power without character is satanic”. Knowledge, skill, talent and intelligence can gain power but character brings respect. Those who crave power and control are struggling with insecurity. Self-confidence will not heal emotional insecurity, only God-confidence in Christ Jesus will break the bondage of insecurity.    

“Insecurity is security in the wrong place”.

 Breaking the bondage of Emotional Insecurity:

1.     Compulsion: When we are compelled to say or do something that does not align with our values and beliefs, to please others or to avoid a rift in the relationship, ‘emotional insecurity’ is dominant in our decision. Emotional insecurities will result in obsessive or compulsive behaviours.

2.     Coercion: When coerced or threatened to agree or abide with another person’s choice, we are under the chains of emotional manipulation and control.

3.     Condemnation: When blamed or condemned for the problems of others, we are under the shackles of emotional manipulation. It is ‘control by condemnation’. Saul blamed his own son Jonathan for conspiring against him.     

Insecurity is a demonic bondage that not only incarcerates the person but also controls those around them through manipulation and control. The only way to overcome emotional insecurities is to surrender all our fears into the hands of the Almighty God.

1 Samuel 22:7a – 8 Saul shouted to his officers when he heard the news…Is that why you have all conspired against me? No one tells me when my son makes a covenant with the son of Jesse.

Prayer: Father God, I surrender all my insecurities and fears of losing my positive present. Everything I have is yours. Help me to be at rest and surrender my future into your hands. Amen.

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