24 March 2024 – Securities – Part 7

Isaiah 25:4 You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in their distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat. For the breath of the ruthless is like a storm driving against a wall.

Change is uncomfortable. Change is not welcomed, and change shifts us from our comfort zone and dismantles our securities. “The Only Constant in Life Is Change.”.  The only constant during the changes and challenges in life is Christ Jesus and Him alone. We are uncomfortable with changes as changes pull the rug under our surety and security. A change in our jobs, friendship circle, health or relationship pushes us out of our safety-zone into the stress-zone. When moved out of our comfort zone, we are stretched, stressed and strained. The safety boats disappear when we are pushed into the deep to swim and survive. This is when many slump into depression. Depression is a bucket load of pessimistic “feelings” and “forebodings” that affect us emotionally and mentally. As long as depression is at an emotional level, it will not affect our daily routine but when it gets deeper and affects us mentally, our everyday life could be interjected and medical help would become essential.

When our security is in our position, possessions, people, power or pedigree we will shake and shudder. What we hold as security will become our worst nightmare and insecurity. Joseph was a young man with a big vision; however, he found himself stripped of all the worldly securities. He was taken away from the protection of His father Jacob. He was sold as a slave into a foreign land and to people who worshipped pagan gods, spoke a different language and practiced a different culture to his Jewish upbringing. Joseph was out of his safety-zone yet, he did not circumvent the stress. Many times, stress will push us to break our beliefs and values. Joseph refused to protect his position as the head servant in the house of Potiphar by yielding to the lustful luring of Potiphar’s wife.

He was able to overcome the challenges as the Lord God was the only security in his time of disappointment, distress and dryness. The Lord brought him out of the despondency, dismay and the dungeon.

“Insecurity is security in the wrong place”.

Jesus is our only unshakable safety and security:

1.         Shelter: Christ Jesus is the shelter against slander. Take shelter under the arms of the Almighty. He will unpeel the veneer of lies and uphold the truth.  

2.         Shade: Christ Jesus is the shade in the storm of sickness. What is impossible physically, logically and medically is trivial for the Lord.    

3.         Security: Christ Jesus is the unshakable security at all times in any situation. He is God over all the fearful threats and diabolical attacks.  

The only unshakable security we have is in Christ Jesus. All other securities are only shaky insecurities.

Psalm 125:2 As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people both now and forevermore.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, those who trust in you will remain unshaken. I will run to My Lord and my God, my shelter, shade and security. Amen. 

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