30 March 2024 – Mind Makeover – Part 6

Colossians 3:2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.

While driving, our eyes determine the path of the wheels. We will steer where we are looking. “You’ll go where you are looking”.  If we look towards our right our vehicle will automatically move towards the right side of the road and vice versa. Likewise, our spiritual direction is determined by our spiritual vision. Our spiritual eyes will steer us to the destination that the eyes of our heart are focused on. The vision of our spiritual man will shape our mission and direction.  

Mind makeover will remove the temporal pleasures and set us on a path to permanent pastures. Short-term suffering is an investment for long-term returns. ‘To set our minds on things that are above’ simply means that we have our eyes fixated on the permanent intangible blessings. It means to look at suffering, sacrifice and sweat for righteousness as treasures stored in heaven. The Apostle Paul rejoiced in the imprisonment and chains as his mind was set on the eternal and the everlasting destiny. And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear (Philippians 1:14). Paul was incarcerated for the sake of the gospel, yet he wrote the “Epistle of Joy”, the Book of Philippians, from the most dingy, gruesome, cold confinement of the Roman prison. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and God’s provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance (Philippians 1:18b-19). In the short letter of 104 words to the Philippians, Paul mentions “joy and rejoice” almost sixteen times in the original transcript in Greek. He was able to find joy in the most dire circumstances, persecution and injustice because of his attitude. He had his mind transformed and his eyes fixed on the things above.

Renewing the Mind:

1.         Insulted: Paul was not offended that he was imprisoned, instead He served God with all that he had. He was not angry with those who betrayed or deserted him and was still spreading the gospel in the grubby prison. He was not provoked, prodded or pitiful. He was not insulted or offended. 

2.         Infuriated: Paul was not angry behind bars but rejoiced for being chained for Christ. His attitude in the prison encouraged others to boldly proclaim the gospel.   

3.         Incarcerated: Paul was chained and imprisoned physically but the Roman prison could not stop the advancement of the gospel. Knockdowns, disappointments or prejudice cannot and will not incarcerate a person who has their mind set on the spiritual and not the temporal.

“Healthy mind is the key to a healthy man”.

Matthew 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”.

Prayer: Father God, I need a complete transformation and a mind makeover to focus on things that are above and not be glued to the silly cares of the world. Amen. 

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