07 April 2024 – Wormwood – Part 7

Mark 15: 23-24 And they were offering Him wine, having been mixed with gall; but He did not take it. And they crucified him. Dividing up his clothes, they cast lots to see what each would get.

‘Wormwood’, the bitter toxic herb, is a metaphor for bitterness and resentment in the Bible.

Jesus refused a bitter anesthetic drink “wine mixed with gall” that was given to dull the senses and deaden the pain during crucifixion. In the Bible the word “gall” is used to indicate a fluid secreted by the liver due to intense bitterness (Job 16:13).  It is also referred to as “poison” of serpents (Job 20:14). Jesus refused the bitter painkiller because He did not want bitterness in his mouth or His stomach. He refused to numb His senses while He took our sin, sickness, suffering and curses on the cross upon Himself. He did not go through crucifixion with His senses numbed. So, when He forgave the vile and violent assaulters from the cross, He pardoned them and extended incredible mercy to the most unworthy and ruthless assailants from His heart. Jesus by refusing sour gall taught us that bitter taste in our mouth will mess our mind and fill our belly with bitterness.

Harvard Health Research publication confirmed the gut-brain connection. The gastrointestinal tract is connected to the brain and is sensitive to our emotions. Anger, anxiety, stress, sorrow or elation can trigger symptoms such as nausea, indigestion or stomach ulcers. Medication cannot heal a distressed gut without the full involvement of the mind. “Holding onto resentment and bitterness can disrupt the delicate balance of our digestive system.” Hence, when Jesus refused the bitter sedative He symbolically and literally refused His heart to be poisoned with bitterness, hatred and resentment.

Refuse toxicity, acidity and bitterness:

1.         Thoughts: Refuse to ruminate over bitter and painful memories. Regretting does not undo the past, repentance and refusal to go back to the rut will help us move forward. Reliving the abuse, insult or mistreatment will secrete the bitter gall in our gut. Don’t revisit the gut-wrenching experiences. Refuse angry resentful and revengeful thoughts. 

2.         Taste: Talking about bad and brutal experiences might relieve pain temporarily but will leave bitterness in our soul. Refuse to repeat experiences that cause bitterness in the soul.  

3.         Tummy: Gruesome thoughts will result in a guttered tummy. Do not swallow wormwood or bitterness that will poison our body, mind, soul and spirit. Joseph refused to think or taste the toxicity of the cruelty done to him hence his gut was only filled with the goodness of God (Genesis 50:15-26). Therefore he was able to see the plan of God in the evil done to him by his brothers.

Jesus refused wine and gall, the bitter numbing drink. Reject bitterness that contaminates the soul.

Genesis 50:20 As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to reject angry or astringent thoughts that poisons my soul and embitters my heart. Help me to be like you. Amen.

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