11 April 2024 – Worry – Part 4

Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Birdbrain does not get much respect among the ‘intelligent animals’ but research has confirmed that many species of birds are incredibly smart. Medscape Neurology published a research paper which confirmed that ravens can identify themselves in a mirror and in a Japanese university crows were found leaving walnuts in crosswalks for passing traffic to do the cracking for them. Humans were probably too birdbrained to notice their intelligence!

Jesus didn’t demean us when He advised us to be like birds. Birdbrains more closely resemble human brains than we once believed. However, they just don’t worry the same way as we do. Their cognitive response or their ability to think and reason is different because of the cognitive wiring. Humans worry as we are wired to think beyond survival. Jesus used visual aid of birds to simplify and teach a complex topic such as anxiety and worry. He taught us to rewire our cognitive reasoning like that of a bird. Birds don’t go into a “thinking mode” to worry about their home or hatchlings. They are not anxious about the winter or the rainy days. They don’t sow or store, just sing and swing.

Worrying does not alleviate the problem, it only intensifies the pain. Worry doesn’t change a thing. “If you think too much you’ll create a problem that wasn’t there to start with”. Over-thinking and over-reasoning about aspects that we have no control over is the root cause of stress. The antidote to worry is to rewire and reset cognitive reasoning. ‘Brain-birded thinking’ is not dumb and carefree life but trusting and tension-free lifestyle.

Lessons from the birds:

1.         Sing: Birds chirp and sing in the morning for two reasons, to attract their mates and for pleasure. Singing in the morning is a sign of health and happiness. Birds singing with empty stomachs early in the morning indicate strength. Praising God early in the morning with an empty stomach will fill our hearts with trust and confidence.

2.         Soar: Fly, don’t frown. Birds don’t frown as they lack facial muscles attached to their skull so they cannot show facial expressions. Humans use 47 muscles to frown but only 13 muscles to smile. Frowning causes facial wrinkles but trust will grow feathers and help us to soar high. Smile and Soar don’t frown and sink.        

3.         Swing: Swinging apparently eases boredom, reduces stress and prevents negative behaviour in birds such as feather plucking. Swinging is both exercise and entertainment for our feathered friends. Similarly, selfless service is the spiritual exercise to overcome worry. When you are stressed, swing; become an intercessor, volunteer or a helper to others. Swing, don’t stress.

“Be a warrior not a worrier”

Matthew 6:27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

Prayer: Father God, rewire my cognitive response to anxiety and stress to respond like a bird that trusts you through the tornado and tempest. Help me to sing, sore and swing instead of stress and strain in vain. Amen. 

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