18 April 2024 – Atomic Prayers – Part 4

Luke 11:11-13 “Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”

‘Divine Purpose’ ignites ordinary pleas into atomic powerful prayers. Most prayers are about our needs, desires and wants. It is not wrong to express our daily needs to the Lord but when prayers are self-absorbed they become stale. The analogies in the above verses could be strange to us but it wasn’t unfamiliar to the audience that Jesus was addressing. In ancient Israel, picnic lunches of bread, fried fish and boiled eggs were packed in open baskets. As they sit on the grass to fellowship it is very likely that snakes and scorpions would crawl into the picnic basket.  It was a habit to search the basket before they served the food. White scorpions with folded tails would look like small eggs. No parent would serve stones, scorpions or serpents to their children. How much more will our heavenly Father enrich us with heavenly blessings?

Jesus taught us the secret of atomic power of prayer in the above verses. He said that a prayer for the Holy Spirit comes as a package with all other blessings. Praying for the Holy Spirit is not just seeking spiritual gifts. It is seeking His ways, will and works. It is a desire to know Him and walk with Him and become like Him. When we ask for fish the Lord will serve us a lobster and when we ask for egg He would dish-out an omelet but when we seek the Holy Spirit and desire to know Him, radiate Him and serve Him, He will prepare a feast and make us sit in on the king’s banquet table and honour us before our enemies.

Seek the Holy Spirit and everything else will follow.

Purpose is the ammunition to atomic prayers:

1.         Will: We might desire bread, fish and eggs; (promotion, elevation and increase), but seeking righteousness over riches makes our prayers powerful. His Word reveals His will. Surrendering to walk according to His Word is a powerful atomic prayer.     

2.         Way: We prefer the easy road with no bumps or barriers but submission to God’s ways is ammunition to powerful prayers. The detours, delays and disappointments will shape our inner-man. Be willing to walk the extra mile. His ways are always higher, better and brighter.   

3.         Work: We pray for the work of our hands to be blessed but a prayer to be used as the salt and light in the workplace and make the marketplace our mission field, will help us to flow in the power of God.  

Divinely ignited purposeful prayers are powerful atomic prayers.

Matthew 7:9 “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone?”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to take my eyes away from the petty needs and fill me with the passion to do your will, walk in your ways and accomplish your purpose on earth. Amen. 

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