19 April 2024 – Atomic Prayers – Part 5

Luke 18:1 Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.

Our prayer closet is like a courtroom where we go to the just judge, God our Father, with our petitions. However, the devil appears in the courtroom spurring shame and spuing blame on us. He will bring up our senseless mistakes of the past and accuse us during our time of prayer. This is why when we kneel down to pray we are reminded of the stupor of the past. Condemnation is the crafty device of the devil to make us feel unworthy to come to God in prayer. He condemns, shames and accuses to quench our zeal in prayer. His purpose is to make us emotionally wrecked to disintegrate our fervency.

Jesus is our defence attorney in the courtroom of prayer. The widow in ‘the parable of the unjust judge’ did not have an attorney to defend her case but we have Jesus as our legal representative. When the devil stirs the dirt of our mucky past, Jesus will accentuate the cross, the blood and the redemption. His line of defence will be that His precious blood has been paid as a ransom for our silly sins and soiled past.

Those who try to argue their case and plead justice with their righteousness and generosity will fail miserably because, our righteousness is as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6a). Those with an ‘entitlement mentality’ who believe that they are qualified to be blessed because of their good deeds will be defeated. But the accusing plaintiff, the devil, will flee in fear when Jesus splashes His blood over the blame and shame.

Our ordinary prayers become atomic powerful prayers when we stand covered by the blood of Jesus. The blood bathed robe of righteousness is the dress code to go boldly into the courtroom of prayer.  

Blood is the ammunition to atomic prayers:

1.         Record: A misdemeanor conviction will stay on a person’s record for the rest of their life however; in the courtroom of prayer, our record is clean of our erroneous past. The devil has fooled many Christians that they have to settle for the second best because of their past misconduct and mistakes. The blood of Jesus has cleansed our blemished record.   

2.         Robe: The priests wore priestly garments to serve in the tabernacle. Our prayer closet is our holy place and we cannot enter into the Holy Place or the intimate most Holy Place without the robe of righteousness. The robe gives us the right standing with God and the privilege to walk into the throne room of God. 

3.         Recompense: The recompense is not contingent on our holiness but God’s goodness and graciousness. The blood qualifies us for the recompense.

The blood turns ordinary prayers into powerful atomic prayers.

Luke 18:7 And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, thank you for the robe of righteousness, drenched in blood that qualifies me to stand righteous and worthy in the courtroom of prayer. Amen. 

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