21 April 2024 – Atomic Prayers – Part 7

Mark 14:32 He took Peter, James and John along with him, and he began to be deeply distressed and troubled.

The posture, place and people are ammunition that will turn ordinary prayers into atomic prayer. Jesus took all the twelve disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane but he took the three Peter, James and John into the prayer closet. An outer circle of a bigger congregation is necessary to support us in our faith journey but we also need an inner circle of those who would be like scaffolding to our prayer life. It is important for us to have a selected few matured prayer warriors with whom we can be vulnerable and transparent about our weakness and our wants. 

There are three garments that we must put on to pray atomic prayers – the garment of honesty, humility and holiness. There are three companions who accompany us into the atomic PowerStation of prayer. There are also three weapons that are inevitable to pray atomic prayer – The Word of God, the armour of God and fasting. 

Turn your power closet into an Atomic Prayer Station:

1.         Power Gear: Coveralls with hood and boots that provide full body coverage is necessary to enter into a nuclear power plant. Likewise, we cannot enter into the realm of the atomic prayer station without the essential garment of honesty, humility and holiness. Put on the clothing of integrity, meekness and purity to meet with Jesus and communicate with Him face to face. Pride, deceit and hidden sin will keep us away from the intimate place of God’s presence and power.     

2.         PowerStation: Our prayer closet is like a geothermal PowerStation where heat is converted into electric energy. The goodness of God draws us into His presence, the grace of God leads us into repentance and the glory of God shines through us as ‘God colours’. The longer we spend in the PowerStation of Prayer, the more power and strength we will draw from His presence.

3.         Power Source: A power plant would use a steam boiler fueled by coal, natural gas and heating oil to produce electricity. Similarly, the Word of God is the resource. Also, a place of prayer is very important. A dedicated ‘prayer corner’ or a ‘prayer closet’ or ‘prayer mat’ is our intimate Power-Plant where divine power is generated. Fasting is another weapon that taps into the power source. Unless we plug into our power source there will be no atomic power in our prayers. 

Put on the garment of praise, enter into the PowerStation of prayer and plug into the power source to pray atomic powerful prayers.

1 John 5:15 And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, help me to come into the prayer closet, clothed with the prayer gear and plug into the power source to be charged with divine power. Teach me to pray with power and might. Amen. 

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