12 May 2024 – Divine Disappointments – Part 7

Luke 22:42 “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”

“Our greatest disappointments often lead to God’s divine appointments – Craig Groeschel.”

Disappointment = Expectation/Reality. “Disappointment is the gap that exists between expectation and reality.” – John C Maxwell. Disappointment is unhappiness and sadness caused by shattered expectations. Disappointment results from thoughts and expectations being out of alignment with reality.   

Jesus prayed three times for the cup of the gruesome cross to be taken away at the Garden of Gethsemane but Calvary was God’s plan for redemption. There was no other way the precious pure blood of Jesus would become a ransom to redeem humanity from the bottomless pit of hell. The greatest disappointment led to God’s divine elevation and redemption. Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name (Philippines 2:9).  

Some of life’s greatest disappointments are the catalyst to God’s destiny for us. Thomas Edison, the genius who invented the light bulb was a miserable failure at school. Dropping out of school gave him the ‘brain-space’ to invent what every household enjoys day in and day out. When the Lord brings us out of a friendship group that we love, our dream job or a perfect ideal environment that we cherish, it is not to make us unhappy, lonely or sad but to give us the ‘emotional-space’ to understand God’s bigger plan and purpose.   

Greatest Disappointments are Divine Appointments:

1.         Cheer-up: Don’t let God’s ‘No’ drown you in disappointment. Cheer-up, the best is yet to come. When God closes a door He has another mega door open for you. Our God will never make a mistake and nothing can slip His sovereign eyes. Nothing can touch us before it first passes through the hand of God. 

2.         Gear-up: Gear-up to face the change of seasons. The different seasons help a tree to grow and be fruitful. There is a time to flower, a time to sprout, a time to fruit and then rest. Go through the seasons joyfully and allow the Lord to empower you through the different seasons of life.      

3.         Stand-up: Stand-up don’t stoop down to disappointment. Be bold and speak to the demeaning voice of disappointment and declare boldly that God’s got your future in His hands.  

Some of our greatest disappointments are God’s divine appointments.

Isaiah 53:7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers.

Prayer: Father Divine, give me the tenacity to stand up in disappointment and cheer-up and gear-up to bring you glory through the disappointments, defeats and derision. Amen 

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