21 May 2024 – The Believer and the Beast – Part 2

Exodus 29:30 So when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone, and they were afraid to come near him.

 A believer’s authority does not come from ‘doing, serving and giving’ but from ‘being’ with Christ. ‘Being’ with the Lord will activate the anointing in our serving, worship or hospitality. It is good to sign-up to serve however, authority in Christ Jesus comes only by investing quality time in prayer. To have authority over the wild beasts (evil spirits) that attack us we must have a disciplined prayer-life. An unbroken and uninterrupted prayer line is like the barb wire-fence around our family, finance and future. Demons will not even attempt to intrude the fire wall of prayer. Family prayer is the fiery fence around our home and personal prayer is the reinforcement of our soul.

Moses was one of the greatest leaders of the Old Testament. He walked into the palace of the Pharaoh and broke the yoke of slavery on the enslaved Hebrews.

However, his own brother and the people of Israel trembled in fear when he came down the mountain after 40 days of fasting and prayer. His face shone with the glory of God after spending 40 long days with the Lord. We can only imagine the terror that struck hell when Moses walked out of the presence of God. 

Authority over the demonic is not imparted by ‘laying hands’ on our head. The posture of prayer empowers us with divine authority over the beasts.  

The Believer’s Discipline Destroys the Beast:

1.         Decision: A decision that is not backed with dedication will be distracted by the enemy. Increased prayer time augments our authority over the fiendish attacks. Schedule and block the first few minutes/hours in your calendar as ‘Personal Prayer Time’. Authority over the diabolical realm cannot be imparted or prayed over us. Destruction of the demonic plans starts with an uninterrupted scheduled time of prayer with the Lord.    

2.            Development: Authority over the demonic is not an overnight download. It must be developed, nurtured and nourished with devotion and dedication. It takes 6 to 10 weeks of vigorous exercise in the gym to see noticeable muscle development. Likewise, good habits are developed by repetition over 21 day’s cycle. Missing a day means the cycle starts again. Don’t be lethargic and miss your time of prayer during weekends or holidays. The devil does not go on holiday when we sleep-in and skip our quiet time.    

3.         Discipline: The spiritual muscle is developed by the disciple of prayer. When we wake up in the morning to pray, the devil and the demons scream and succumb in hell. They shudder when we praise and glorify God in the early hours of the day. The discipline of prayer transmits the authority on us to shatter the demonic plans. Electrocute demoniacal plots by the discipline of prayer.     

We have authority over the beast, the devil, once we develop the disciple of prayer.     

Matthew 26:41 “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.”

Prayer: Sovereign Lord, help me to become a threat to the devil and destroy his vicious plans by empowering myself in your presence. Amen

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