22 May 2024 – The Believer and the Beast – Part 3

Matthew 19:29 And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.

The believer’s attitude flattens the altitude of the beast. The enemy, the devil, only has restricted power. He can attack our thoughts with instigation, insinuation and intimidation; however, our perception sets the pitch to propel or dispel the plan of the devil. If we succumb to the allusion then, the voice of the demons will become louder and louder but when we retort with faith, the enemy will be silenced. With our approach to a problem and our discernment in disappointment will destroy the demonic invasion.

A believer’s attitude petrifies the demonic gangsters. When we confess boldly in the midst of a loss, distress or defeat that ‘God knows what’s best’. And when we courageously proclaim, “The Lord will only take away the second best and that the best is reserved for me”, we frustrate the enemy’s ruse. Our attitude and approach to an unprecedented problem will either set the table for the enemy to infest our emotions or will turn the table over the enemy’s head.

Jesus gave us a profound promise when we face disheartening disasters for His name sake. When friends desert us or family forsakes us for our faith, the Lord has promised a hundred times to recompense. When we lose promotion, position or power for standing for the truth, we will be reimbursed a hundred times not only in heaven but also on earth. It simply means for every friend, family member or dollar we lose, the Lord God will compensate 100 times over. The Divine Calculation is -1 = +100.

Once this truth is ingrained in our hearts our attitude towards the threats or tornados will be very different. We will look at the devil with a smug on our face and laugh at his menacing murmurs. Our attitude kills the plot of the enemy and baffles the beast. 

The Believer’s Attitude overthrows the plans of the Beast:

1.         Smile: Our smile at the face of adversity bewilders the beast. She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future (Proverbs 31:25). Put on courage and confidence in the Lord and smile at the storm.

2.            Smug: The smug on our face to the intimidations of the enemy will snub the demons. Demons wait for our reaction to their insinuation. They cannot read our thoughts but just wait for our reaction to inject the next dose of toxic or terrifying thoughts. 

3.         Shatter: The serenity in our face will shatter the plan of the devil. They will be paralyzed when we praise instead of groan. The brawling of the demons is silenced when we raise a voice to worship. Praise shatters the enemy’s schemes.  

                                       The beast is baffled by our positive attitude towards the adversity.    

Job 1:21 “The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.”

Prayer: Sovereign Lord, mould my attitude to align with your divine perspectives even when I am disappointed, disheartened and distressed. Amen

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