27 May 2024 – The Diamond in the Dirt – Part 1

Isaiah 61:3b A garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.

Carbon crystallizes to form valuable diamonds under intense heat, between 900°C and 1300°C, at a depth of 120km, over millions or even billions of years.  The precious diamonds are miraculously formed in the dirt. The Kohinoor diamond which is on display in the Jewel House at the Tower of London is considered the most valuable diamond in the world. It has no price tag and is simply considered “priceless.” Priceless diamonds are formed in the dirt and found in the dust.

Praise in crucible circumstances and under intense pressure and stress turns the dirty difficulty into pricey diamonds. We become priceless and precious when we learn to ‘praise under pressure’.  Praise is not a set of songs that we sing in church. It is not churchy linguistics and holy vocabulary. Praise is an attitude, a posture and a principled pathway to the presence of God. Praise finds and rests in the love of God even in dark and hopeless situations. Praise turns the muddy, murky dirt into diamonds. Praise turns our disillusioned destiny into invaluable diamonds.

Praise is a choice. The garment of praise does not jump on us when we are depressed. We must go to our prayer closet and put on the silky garment of praise. Don’t let the derision push you into the pit of self-pity. Don’t give-in but drive-out the spirit of distress by choosing to sing songs of praise. We cannot praise God for the loss, insult or rejection but we can praise God for His faithfulness at all times. Things might look out of control to us but God is still in control. He is still on the impeccable and immovable throne. Praise gives us the winning edge over the enemy.

Praise turns the Dirt into Diamonds:

1.         Pain: As long as we live on the face of the earth there will be disappointments, discouragements and painful dissolution. Don’t waste the pain. Put on the garment of praise and chose to praise in the pain. Praise opens the floodgates of heaven and the power of God to transform pain into precious diamonds. A decision to praise instead of groan under excruciating pain, loss or disappointment will transform the pain into pricey diamonds.                   

2.            Pressure: Diamonds are formed only under pressure. The pressures of life are inevitable but our choices will determine if we become pungent or precious. Praise will shape our hearts into precious diamonds.        

3.         Praise: Praise is not a hyped feeling; it is a choice. It is our expression and our attitude to the Saviour of our Souls. Praise turns us into priceless diamonds.

No pressure, no diamonds. Songs of praise in the heat, pressure and pain turns the trouble into treasure and the dirt into diamonds.      

Psalm 32:7 You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.

Prayer: King of Heaven, when I am in the furnace of pain, pressure of persecution, give me songs of deliverance. May my praise carve me into a priceless diamond. Amen

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