29 May 2024 – The Diamond in the Dirt – Part 3

Ecclesiastes 4:12 Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Diamonds are the hardest naturally found substance on the earth. Carbon atoms come closer to each other under extreme pressure and heat inside the earth. Intense heat makes it possible for the atoms to accept each other easily and pressure plays a very significant role in bringing them close. When they join together the carbon atoms form an unbreakable bond.

Not all rocks turn into diamonds. Diamond is composed of pure carbon and the atomic bonding of the atoms makes it the hardest material. The structure produces a rigid 3-D network of carbon atoms of ‘covalent bonding’ which are very difficult to break. (Covalent bonds involve shared electron pairs between atoms). Under pressure and heat carbon atoms turn into covalent bonds of diamonds.

Most times, what we consider as an unnecessary trial, suffering or affliction that turns us into valuable diamonds. While mercury, copper and zinc melt and disintegrate with heat, carbon sticks together. Our response and reaction to the heat and pressure of the test will determine the end product. If we become angry, astringent and anguished with the Lord and stop praying, fasting and persevering in the heat of the circumstances, there will be no divine bond developed. Rather than wallowing in doubt, fear and animosity, if we choose to trust, praise and pray through the heat, stress and pressure of the unexpected sickness, sorrow or suffering the 3-D network of covalent bonding will be fortified. 

Allow the dirt to shape you into splendid diamonds under stress, pressure and heat. Move closer not farther under pressure and stress.  

Nature of Diamonds:

1.         Bond: Diamonds are formed by bonding. Our relationship with the Lord, bonding in our marriage, friendships and with our family is bolstered when we stick together. Blaming God, our spouse, friend, colleague or a family member in the heat of the problem destroys unity but supporting each other builds bonds. Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs (Proverbs 10:12). Diamond is a symbol of love because of its very nature.

2.            Break: The carbon bonding makes it very hard for a diamond to be broken. Be molded into an unbreakable diamond through the pressure and the pain. The intrinsic nature of carbon is to unite and so is human nature. Isolation and withdrawal during crucible crisis is the craftiness of the enemy to break our family and our fervor for God. Channel the heat to fashion you into an unbreakable diamond.

3.         Beauty: Diamonds are made up of multiple complex prisms that scatter light within a diamond and reflect brilliance, brightness and beauty. Reflect the beauty and the nature of Jesus to the world.     

Without heat and pressure there are no diamonds, and without stress and suffering there is no inner beauty.

Isaiah 61:3 To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.

Prayer: Beautiful Saviour, fashion and shape me into a brilliant diamond through the heat, stress and strain of life. Amen

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