09 June 2024 – Power Punch – Part 7

James 4:5 Be subject therefore unto God; but resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

To resist the devil we must be equipped with divine weapons. The weapons to destroy demonic powers are not carnal, tangible or physical but they are spiritual armaments. The demons can overpower us if we fight with carnal weapons such as clever arguments, emotional manipulations or trickery. They will outsmart us if we fight any issue with our strength. They are craftier than the most cunning brain. However, when we put on the spiritual arms of righteousness, truth and integrity we will overpower and trample them.   

Repaying evil with good dives a dagger right through the demons that incite hatred, bitterness and animosity. It is not possible for a human intelligent brain to forget the wickedness of an abuse, insult or mistreatment. However, when we choose not to be wistfully mulling over it but instead pray for those who hurt us, we use the offensive artilleries of love and forgiveness to demolish demonic plans. The first step to healing from a hurt is to start praying for the offender. As we pray for the needs of those who have wounded and defamed us, the Lord will flood our lives with favour.

Defensive weapons keep us from being attacked but offensive weapons will annihilate the enemy. To destroy disunity we need offensive weapons of love, goodness, kindness, forgiveness, meekness and unassuming generosity. Compassion towards the callous will blast a bombshell in the demonic camp.  Repay evil with good.

Destroy evil with the good:

1.         Tongue: Our tongue is an explosive bomb that can destroy the demonic gangsters who cause division and enmity. Bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you (Matthew 6:28).  When we bless those who curse us, we slap the demons that are inciting hatred and animosity. Slap the demons by blessing the offender and pray for their needs.    

2.         Truth: Demons are dumbed when we speak the truth. Speaking the truth is like breaking the jaws and teeth of the demons (if they have any). For You have smitten all my enemies on the cheek; You have shattered the teeth of the wicked (Psalm 3:7). Demons deceive by hiding the truth but speaking the truth, even if we have to suffer in the interim, will break the teeth of the demons.

3.         Testimony: Our lifestyle of righteousness is a powerful testimony. We need not open our mouths and preach long sermons to our spouse, family members or close associates. Our testimony is good enough to drive out the darkness and shine the light of Jesus on them. The garments of godliness and holiness drive darkness away.    

The spiritual weapons of warfare destroy the devil and demonic infestation in our domain. Resist the devil by your righteous lifestyle.

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, teach me to use the spiritual weapons of love, forgiveness and truthfulness effectively and powerfully to destroy the demons of anger, animosity and antagonism. Help me to repay evil with good. Amen.

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